"Channel more energy into finding ways of revision that work for you as not all methods work for everyone."
Name: Richard Ruane
Studied at CHS: 2007-2014
Current Role: Traffic Supervisor, BC Transport, Bollington
What are your memories of CHS?
I started CHS in 2007 and left in 2014 after completing two years in the Sixth Form. At Sixth Form I studied IT, Business and Engineering.
My best memories from CHS were, without a doubt, A Level Business with Miss Wiggins and Engineering with Miss Kenny. The lessons were very good and definitely crafted me into the person I have become.
Sound advice I received from CHS was to always pay attention to detail and that has definitely stuck. I am known as a stickler for reading terms and conditions!
Route since leaving CHS:
When I started at CHS, I had aspirations to attend university, a lot of school life was geared towards those going on to attend university Once I had completed my A levels, however, I wanted to take the vocational training route and I really feel that this has worked out well for me.
Since leaving CHS, I have completed a three year apprenticeship with BC Transport in Bollington. The first two years involved training and learning the company's (and industry's) rules and regulations.
The final year involved completing the International Certificate of Professional Competence in Road Haulage. This qualification entitles me to hold an operators' licence for a transport company, which enables me to operate across Europe. Thankfully I passed this qualification (two gruelling exams!) Everyone in the exam was at least twenty years older than me and I achieved the highest score across the cohort!
Today I am Traffic Supervisor at BC Transport 2017 Ltd, who are part of Kinaxia Logistics. We have just over fifty members of staff and operate around thirty heavy goods vehicles. I am responsible for the compliance and management of the operation.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
If I was to give any advice to myself it would be to channel more energy into finding alternative ways of revision. I found the methods taught didn't really work for me and when I left and had to revise for the exam last year, I was taught a method of copying, reading and repeating and I found that it worked really well.