Science forms part of the common core of subjects within school right up to GCSE level and it is also one of the core subjects of our Specialist School status. We are committed to raising achievement and improving provision and participation in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), which are becoming increasingly relevant and necessary in today’s workplace.
The school has excellent facilities for students to take part in practical experiments and uses all the latest technology to support learning.
Key Stage 3 overview
“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants” - Isaac Newton
The intent of the curriculum is to provide both a deep and broad understanding of Science as a discipline and serve as a foundation for a future more extensive study of each individual science.
Science provides an opportunity to discover, study and explain the phenomena in the physical and natural world through observations and experimentation. Students will develop an understanding of how discovery has led to the knowledge of today and how they can progress the knowledge of tomorrow; from the wonders of the Universe, to the structure of the atom.
We will facilitate the development of young scientists that can confidently: problem-solve, infer, measure, communicate, collaborate, hypothesise, work practically and process data; these will enhance the learner’s perseverance, resilience and determination.
Science Curriculum and Related Careers Information
CHS Science Bulletin
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