We aim to prepare all our students for life after they leave the CHS community, whether they opt for an academic or a vocational pathway. Students choosing an academic route are supported in a number of ways, including in their search for the right courses and universities to obtain the qualifications needed to enable them to pursue their chosen career path.
From Year 10, students are able to take part in workshops and presentations centred around training in developing CVs, letters of application and interview preparation. We are also fortunate to work with a number of local, regional and national business partners who support our careers programme and offer students many 'real life' opportunities, which help them to acquire the skills needed to secure a job and excel in the role.
By the end of Year 11, in addition to regular Careers input in form time, we will have worked with all students to help them put together an effective and impactful CV. They will also have had the opportunity to experience a mock interview with employers from a range of business types and service providers. Following these interviews, we provide students with feedback to enable them to continue to develop and improve their interview skills.
Students wishing to take a vocational route at 16+/18+ are also given a range of opportunities to help them make the key decisions whilst they are still studying, including a dedicated Careers Week, held in the Spring Term. Many of our young people also have the opportunity to complete a work placement, usually in Key Stage 5.
We also encourage students to access 'Your Game Plan', which offers students free online employability and soft skills courses to help them achieve their future goals.
Congleton High School believes that work placements play a crucial role in ensuring that students develop the essential employment skills they need to help them progress onto successful and enjoyable careers. As such, our Careers Lead, Mrs Sanders, works closely with students and local and national businesses to secure quality placements that are mutually beneficial to both parties.
Our students have benefited greatly from opportunities across a wide range of sectors and many have gained permanent employment as a result of the placements during their time with us.
If you are an employer and are able to offer a work placement opportunity to one of our students or would like to find out more about what this would entail, please contact our Careers Lead, Mrs Sanders, by email: jsanders@congletonhigh.com or call our main school office on: 01260 730123.
Congleton High School works closely with business partners from across Congleton and surrounding areas to ensure that students are equipped with a range of skills and knowledge to give them strong foundations on which to build a successful career.
The Sixth Form team are constantly seeking to forge new links to enable them to offer students a growing range of opportunities and would be interested in hearing from any businesses who would like to be involved.
Below are just a few examples of the many local, regional and national companies with whom we partner to provide careers enrichment opportunities for our students.
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