At CHS we believe homework forms an integral part of learning. It encourages the development of independent study and organisational skills, vital for students to fulfil their academic potential.
Congleton High School uses the online software, satchel:one to set all homework tasks. This is a simple, online homework calendar, showing details of the homework set by class teachers, deadlines and attachments etc to help support students with their work. It can also be accessed via a smartphone/tablet application or via the school homework calendar, which can be found on the school website. We issue an Information Pack to tell parents/carers exactly how the system works. A Homework Planner is available for any student who does not have access to the internet. If you have any difficulty accessing or using satchel:one or have not received login information, please email our dedicated helpline here:
The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is open after school to enable students to work in a supervised environment and there are Homework Clubs after school, supported by staff and Sixth Form Homework Mentors.
Please click here to be redirected to satchel:one.
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