We strive to offer students a great deal of help and support all throughout the year and particularly during exams. This includes help with study skills, equipping students with a range of techniques to ensure they make best use of their revision time. Mr Tyrrell has prepared a presentation for students in Years 7-10 and 12, taking their Serious About Success exams in June and you can watch the video below.
Parents and carers are often concerned about how they can best help their child during the stressful examination season and we have put together some advice 'Help your child beat exam stress', which you can download below. We encourage students to speak with their parents/ carers, form tutors or Guidance Team Leaders if they have any concerns regarding their examinations and there are also many useful sources of advice and information online, including from organisations such as AQA and ChildLine.
To help families prepare their child for revision and exams, we run a Year 11 and Year 13 Success Evening and the presentations and resources from this can be found below.
Year 11 and Year 13 Success Evening Information
In order to help students to feel fully prepared, many of our curriculum teams offer coursework catch up and revision sessions after school and at weekends. See the Extracurricular Clubs, Activities and Revision Sessions Timetable in the Parent/Carer (click here) and Student areas for details of sessions offered in individual subjects.
The website examapp.co.uk, developed by University of Oxford, is also a useful source of information, advice and past papers
Exam Preparation and Support Information
Finally, the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) produces guidance and information for candidates on behalf of the AQA, City & Guilds, CCEA, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC examination boards. These relate to things like candidates sitting written examinations, doing coursework and taking on-screen tests. You can access these from the links below:
Information for Candidates
If, following the release of the A Level or GCSE exam results, a student or parent/ carer has a query, a range of services are available. Please see the documents below for information on the various options and associated deadlines and costs.
Exam Results and Post-Results Services
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