Our students tell us they feel safe and cared for when they are with us. This is confirmed in our most recent OFSTED and SCIES (Safeguarding Children in Education Settings) inspection reports. We really do work Together In the Pursuit of Excellence and strive to create a Culture of Recognition, where all students are praised and recognised when they do well.
We have a number of teams within school whose roles are to ensure the wellbeing and safety of all students under our care:
- Our Guidance Team is led by Mrs Darling (Deputy Headteacher) and includes Guidance Team Leader and all Form Tutors.
- Miss Franks leads the Student Support Team, which includes Learning Mentors and a Family Support Worker.
- Mrs Darling leads the Safeguarding Team, which includes Deputy Safeguarding leads, Miss Franks and Miss Boulton..
- We also liaise very closely with external agencies, including Children's Social Care, Cheshire Police, MyCWA, Visyon, CAMHS and the School Nurse team.
At CHS we provide support for all students in order to remove barriers to learning, be this at classroom, form group or year group level. We also implement bespoke intervention plans for students with additional pastoral needs.
If you have any concerns or queries, we usually recommend contacting your child's form tutor in the first instance, who will then be able to direct you to the most appropriate member of staff. Alternatively you can email your child's Guidance Team Leader. A full list of Form Tutors, Learning Mentors and Guidance Team Leaders can be found in the 'Contact Us' section of the website. Click here to be redirected.
Mrs Darling, Miss Franks, Miss Boulton can all be contacted via the main school telephone line: 01260 730123 or by email:
- Mrs Darling ldarling@congletonhigh.com
- Miss Franks lfranks@congletonhigh.com
- Miss Boulton jboulton@congletonhigh.com
Who Can Help When School Is Closed?
A list of emergency helplines and other useful contact details can be found on the 'Someone who can Help' section of this page (tab above) and more specific information with regard to online safety and social media and gaming can be found within our 'Online Safety' section in the Parent/Carer area of this website.
Useful documents, including information on support from external agencies can be found on the 'Helpful Information' section of this page.
There are a number of useful location sharing/personal safety apps that can help to keep students safe and offer peace of mind to parents and carers. Two options are Life 360 and Hollie Guard, which are both available from Apple and Google app stores.
Someone Who Can Help
Please do not struggle to cope alone. If you are worried about yourself or somebody else, there are many people that you can speak with in school. If you would rather talk to someone outside of school, or need help when school is closed, you will find contact details below of organisations who will be able to work with you to find solutions or direct you to the help you need.
How they can help |
Website |
Getting in touch |
General | ||
The Mix Helpline |
Tel: 0808 8084994 3pm-12am (free call) Crisis Messenger 24/7 - Text: THEMIX to 85258 You can also email and webchat via the website |
Child Safety | ||
Contact CEOP via their website to make a report. |
Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Hub |
Tel: 0300 123 5101 |
Childline |
Tel: 0800 1111 |
Anti-Bullying Alliance |
https://anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/tools-information/advice-and-support | Visit the website to find advice, information and sources of help. |
Mental Health | ||
https://www.cwp.nhs.uk/services-and-locations/services/east-cheshire-0-16-camhs/ CAMHS Resources - a list of relevant contacts for information and support for young people and families. Click here. |
Tel: 01625 712042 |
Hopeline UK/ Papyrus |
Tel: 0800 068 4141
Kooth |
Join the Kooth community via the website to message or live chat |
Samaritans |
Tel: 116123 (free call) |
Crisis Messenger 24/7 - Text: 85258 |
Visyon |
6 Chantry Court, Forge St, Crewe CW1 2DL Mental Health Crisis line: |
Young Minds |
Crisis Messenger 24/7 - Text: YM to 85258. (free) |
LGBTQ+ | ||
akt - Albert Kennedy Trust |
https://www.akt.org.uk/ |
Manchester Branch You can also live chat, refer yourself/another person to akt, and complete an enquiry form via the website |
Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline |
switchboard.lgbt/ |
Tel: 0300 3300630 10am-10pm every day email: chris@switchboard.lgbt (emails usually replied to within 72 hours) Chat online via the website |
The Proud Trust |
theproudtrust.org | Webchat via website 12pm-6pm Tues/Thurs |
Eating Disorders | ||
Beat Eating Disorders |
Tel: 0808 801 0677 |
Cheshire and Merseyside Adolescent Eating Disorder Service (CHEDS)
cwp.nhs.uk/our-services/liverpool/cheshire-and-merseyside-adolescent-eating-disorder-service-cheds | For urgent help, call 0800 145 6485 or start a text conversation with a trained volunteer by texting BLUE to 85258 |
Drug and Alcohol Issues | ||
Talk to Frank |
Tel: 0300 1236600 |
Change, Grow, Live |
changegrowlive.org | Visit the website to chat online or find local sources of help for your particular issue. |
Rehab 4 Addiction |
https://www.rehab4addiction.co.uk/country-wide/drug-alcohol-rehab-cheshire |
Tel: 0800 140 4690 |
Support for Parents, Carers and Families
Below are sources of support and information for parents, carers and families:
- Home - Solihull Approach | Parenting.
- NHS Online Courses in Emotional Health, Wellbeing and Development.
- Cheshire East - Find your Nearest Family Hub and Connects.
- ChECS - Cheshire East Consultation Services.
- Children and Family Services - Staffordshire County Council.
- Livewell - Support for Parents and Carers - Cheshire East Council.
Support for Families - Helpful Information
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