Parents and Carers: Please read the urgent allergy alert below issued by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) regarding ingredients in a number of products that may be contaminated with peanuts therefore posing a serious risk to anyone with peanut allergies.

Urgent Peanut Allergy Advice

We are contacting you to notify you of an urgent peanut allergy alert recently issued by the Food Standards Agency (FSA). We have been made aware that mustard ingredients used in various food products have been found to be contaminated with peanuts, posing a serious risk to individuals with peanut allergies.

As a result, the FSA is advising anyone with a peanut allergy to avoid consuming foods that contain, or may contain, mustard, mustard powder or mustard flour because they may have been contaminated with peanuts. These mustard ingredients are often found in food such as dips, sauces, salads and pre-packed sandwiches.

Further details of the alert and Allergy UK’s advice for anyone who may be affected by a peanut allergy can be found in the news story on our website. Click here to read.
We understand the concern this may cause and encourage you to heed the FSA advice. We also recommend you are aware of what do to in the event of an emergency anaphylactic event and ensure you are AAI ready. Information on this can be accessed via the links below.

​Allergy UK is working closely with the FSA to monitor the development of this incident. We will continue to proactively communicate updates as soon as we are able.

Stay safe and best wishes,

The Allergy UK Team