A Valuable Careers Opportunity for All Students
It's our Careers Fair on Thursday 21st March and all students will be able to spend time in the school day speaking with some of the 40+ employers taking part.
Post 18 Planning for Sixth Form Students
Our Sixth Form students enjoyed a range of enrichment sessions at the end of January, helping them to plan for higher education, careers and becoming more self sufficient.

Apprenticeship Opportunity for Year 12 Students
In January a group of our Year 13 Sixth Form students took part in a Mock Assessment Centre Day run by The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge at Shrigley Hall

Year 13 Investigate Apprenticeship Opportunities
Thirty-six of our Year 13 students visited The National Apprenticeship Show in Liverpool in November.
Speedy Careers Opportunity for Year 8
As part of our ongoing Careers programme, our Year 8 students took part in a Speed Networking event in November.
Year 12 Enjoy a University and Apprenticeship Fair Opportunity
Our Year 12 students travelled to Old trafford in September for the University and Apprenticeship Fair
Sixth Form Students’ Results Secure First Choice University, Apprenticeship and Employment Places
Students and staff at Congleton High School are celebrating a strong set of A Level results again this year, which have enabled the majority of the cohort to progress on to their first choice university, apprenticeship and employment destinations.

Miss King Wins Apprenticeship Award
Teaching Assistant, Miss King, won Education and Training Apprentice of the Year at the Cheshire College - South & West Apprenticeship Awards 2023 in February.

Investigating IT Apprenticeship Opportunities
Digital and Technical Apprenticeship provider, Apprentify, joined us in February to discuss IT apprenticeship opportunities with students.