Year 7 Lacie Signs for Wales
Year 7 Lacie F has signed a one-year contract to play for Wales.

Year 7 Charlie and Theo Celebrate their League Cup Win
Charlie H and Theo P, celebrated winning the league cup trophy in May with their Macclesfield FC Junior Academy team.
Year 11 Olly Selected for England World Cup Team
Olly has been selected to compete with the PUMA England Taekwondo team at the ITF World Cup.

Our Spring in a Frame Photography Winners
Year 7 Freddie L and Year 9 Jess D were the winners of our Spring in a Frame photography competition.
Swimathon Success
Our Swimathon team of students and staff raised over £400 for local charities and our own school fund.

Join Us for our Spring in a Frame Exhibition
Families can join us from 3:20pm on Wednesday 22nd May for our Spring in a Frame Photography Exhibition and Awards.
Lauren Qualifies for English Nationals
Year 10 Lauren C has qualified to swim in the 200m Fly event at the English Nationals in Sheffield this summer.
Oscar Qualifies for British National Championships
Year 9 Oscar dV has qualified him to swim in five events in the British National Age Group Championships in the summer.

Celebrating Young Chefs at Congleton High
We were delighted to host the Rotary Young Chef District Final at CHS in May.

Michael Awarded Rugby Club Player of the Year
Year 7 Michael B has been awarded Player of the Year for Congleton Rugby Club under 12s.

Science Words of the Week
This week's Science Words of the Week are Metabolism and Substitute.

Fern Celebrates More Competition Success
Year 10 Fern L continues to achieve in her clay pigeon career, competing and winning at a high level.

Year 10 Scientists Learn About Irradiation
Our Year 10 Scientists have been learning all about irradiation including the safety wear required!
Over 100 Entries for Spring in a Frame Photography Competition
We've had over 100 photographs submitted for our Spring in a Frame Competition and the shortlisted images will be on show at our Exhibition and Awards on Wednesday 22nd May.

Scarlett's Singing Merits a Great Grade!
Year 13 student, Scarlett S, passed her Trinity Grade 8 Singing with Merit in April

House Points Up For Grabs in Inter-House Football Matches
Our House Launch Week challenges included inter-House Football matches.

Year 8 Windy Racer Winners
Mrs Fitzsimmons set her Year 8 class a 'windy racer' STEM challenge in March.
Introducing our New Year 7 Uniform for September 2024
We are excited to introduce our new uniform with a short video and new uniform guide.

Olivia and Daniel - Our Year 7 Spring Term Headteacher's Award Winners
Congratulations to Olivia G and Daniel P, our Year 7 Headteacher’s Award winners for the Spring Term.

Lara's Consistent Sporting Achievement Wins her Awards
Congratulations to Lara AG, who was awarded The Barbara Murray Cup for Track and Field Endeavour at the Macclesfield Harriers' recent Track and Field Awards.

Another Successful CHS Careers Fair
We welcomed over 40 employers to speak with students from Year 7 to Year 13 at our 2024 Careers Fair.

Year 7 Raise over £100 for Cancer Research
Our Year 7 Student Leaders' sweets and cake sale was a great success, raising £120.50 for Cancer research UK in March.

Celebrating our High Flying Key Stage 3 Artists
Our KS3 Art Exhibition was the perfect opportunity to share the high flying talent of CHS artists with our community.

A Valuable Careers Opportunity for All Students
It's our Careers Fair on Thursday 21st March and all students will be able to spend time in the school day speaking with some of the 40+ employers taking part.

CHS Alumna, Jessica, Helps Students Follow in her Footsteps.
CHS alumna and member of the Les Miserables West End ensemble, Jessica Joslin, is running a one day Les Miserables workshop for students aged 12-18 at Astbury Village Hall in April.
Great South Cheshire Netball Results in March
More great sports results in the South Cheshire Netball Tournament, thanks to our Year 9 and Year 10 Netball teams.
March Issue of the CHS Science Bulletin Out Now!
Year 13 Scientist, Ben D, has published the March issue of his Science Bulletin, which is packed full of interesting Science facts and quirky information.
Year 7 Girls are County Athletics Winners
Our Year 7 Girls Sports Hall Athletics team won their county event in March.

Sixth Form Geographers Assess Big Business Impact on High Street
Our Year 12 A' Level Geography students visited Rusholme in March to assess the impact of large corporations on the high street.

MFL Students Enjoy Spanish Culture, Food and Sunshine
Our MFL students enjoyed culture, language, food and, of course, the 20 degree sun on their trip to Málaga in March.

Year 12 Computer Scientists' Tasty Topology Revision!
Our Year 12 Computer Scientists built some very tasty network topology diagrams in their revision sessions!

World Book Day at CHS
Our students enjoyed a wonderful World Book Day this year, with a range of activities designed to encourage them to read for pleasure.

A Successful Afternoon of Netball
We celebrated wins for our Year 7 and Year 9 Netball teams and a draw for Year 10 in their matches with Tytherington School in March.

Belle Qualifies for Hickstead
Year 8 Belle L qualified for a place in the NSEA Eventers Challenge National Championships at Hickstead in May
Great Sportsmanship from Year 7 and 8 Rugby Players
Our Year 7 and Year 8 u13 Rugby team took part in a tournament at Macclesfield Rugby Club in March
Oscar Represents CHS In English Schools Gala
Our Year 9 Swimming Superstar, Oscar dV, is celebrating yet another huge haul of medals and trophies and will represent the school in the English School Swimming Association Gala.

Spring in a Frame Competition is back!
Our 'Spring in a Frame' wildlife photography competition is back and there are lots of great prizes up for grabs!

Time for KS3 Students to Design a British Science Week Poster
As part of our British Science Week celebrations, we're challenging Key Stage 3 students to design a poster on this year's theme of TIME.
Year 12 Emma, Jamie and Harley Compete in Youth Speaks Final
A team of our Year 12 students, Emma L, Jamie C and Harley F, took part in the District Final of the Rotary Youth Speaks Competition in March.
Nula Angel Qualifies for English Championships
Year 8 Nula Angel TG has qualified to take part in the English Gymnastics Championships.

Key Stage 3 Hot Air Balloon Art Exhibition
We will be exhibiting a display of KS3 students' artwork in the Main Hall on Thursday 14th March
Belle Represents CHS and Qualifies for National Championships
Year 8 Belle L represented CHS in the National Schools Equestrian Association Show Jumping Qualifier in February.
Olly Takes Taekwon-Do Bronze
Olly secured a bronze medal in the ITF England National Taekwon-Do Championships in February
Year 12 Biologists Change Congleton Weather
In order to measure plant transpiration, our Year 12 Biologists created some artificial weather conditions!

Nya to Study at Specialist Performing Arts School
Talented dancer, Nya, has secured a coveted place at The Hammond specialist performing arts school.
Holly's Creative Writing Published Again
Year 9 Holly W has had a seventh piece of creative writing work published in a compilation of young writers' work.

Portugal Next Stop for MFL Club
After the half-term break the MFL Club students will investigate Portugal with our native speaker, Mrs Currah-Hall.

Jaime Wins his First Tournament
Year 7 Jaime won his first Tennis tournament title in February.
Callum Signed to Play for Everton
Following an eight week trial, our Year 9 student, Callum L, has been signed to play for the Everton Football Club u14 first team.

Another Successful NSPCC Number Day at CHS
Our annual NSPCC Number Day was a great success again this year with a real focus on Numeracy in all subjects across the school.

Niamh Wins Acting Award
Year 13 Niamh M won the 2024 NODA award for 'Best Female Character Youth Performance in an Adult Production' for her role as Bobbie in The Railway Children.

Tom Darlington (2014-21) Joins CHS Alumni Page
We're delighted to welcome Tom Darlington (2014-21) as the newest recruit to our Alumni webpage.
Personal Development Sessions Keep Students Informed and Safe
Our Year 7 to Year 11 students took part in valuable interactive and age-appropriate Personal Development sessions at the end of January, covering Relationships, Health and Wellbeing, and Living in the Wider World.
Sixth Form Students Speak Out
Year 12 students, Emma, Jamie and Harley, were runners up in the district heat of the 2024 Rotary Youth Speaks Competition

Cheska Competes and Wins at Aintree!
Congratulations to our Year 7 student, Cheska C, who competed and won at the STARS Champion of Champions horse show at Aintree, Liverpool.
Ollie Competes in Open Dutch Championships
Our Year 11 student, Ollie P, competed in the Open Dutch Taekwondo Championships at the end of January
Oscar Selected to Represent North West in National Championships
Year 9 Oscar dV has been selected to represent the North West Division at the English Schools Secondary Teams Swimming Championships in March.

PE Extracurricular Timetable has Lots to Offer
Our latest PE extracurricular timetable has lots on offer for students this half term

Helping Year 9 Make Important Options Choices
Year 9 students and their parents/carers have been invited to join us for our Options Evening from 5:30-7:30pm on Thursday 11th January to find out more about selecting GCSE/BTEC Options for study in Years 10 and 11.

Students Delighted with High School Musical Announcement
High School Musical has been revealed as the CHS 2024 summer production and students have been invited to audition for main cast and support roles.
Our December Newsletter is Out Now
Read all about our busy half-term in the December newsletter.

Zachary's Guess Wins the Prize!
Year 7 Zachary J made the winning guess in our Christmas LRC Competition to guess the total number of pages in the book snowman.

Recognising and Rewarding Excellence
Just before Christmas we held Recognition Assemblies for all our year groups, celebrating students' great achievements throughout the autumn term.

Breakfast with the Head for Over 160 Students
Over 160 students joined Ms Thurland to enjoy Breakfast with the Head at the end of December.
Year 9's Big Arts Day
In December, our Year 9 students spent a full day exploring their creativity and produced some amazing artworks as a result

Isaac Achieves Grade 2 Trumpet
Year 9 students, Isaac W, passed his Grade 2 Trumpet with flying colours in December

CHS Students’ Sailing Success
Three Congleton High School students celebrated success on the water at Rudyard Lake Sailing Club’s recent annual awards ceremony.

MFL CLub Students' Italian Pasta Lesson
As part of their study of the Italian language and culture, our MFL Club students learned how to make a pasta dish using mainly Italian instructions!
CHS Maths Team CyberFirst Girls North West Winners
We were delighted to learn that a team of CHS Maths students were the CyberFirst Girls North West winners.

Marble Run Challenge for Science Club Students
Our Science Club students created their own Marble Runs in the after-school sessions in November

Respect for our Year 9 Students
We are very proud to see another group of Year 9 students excel on the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service Respect course.

Do You Know Your Bronchus from Your Bronchiole?
Mrs Fitzsimmons' Year 8 Scientists have been learning about the structure and function of lungs.

Bright Spark, Lexi, Demonstrates Scholarly Excellence
Lexi B's work on the Electricity topic in Science was a shining example of Scholarly Excellence.

Staff Netball Team Celebrate 24-16 Victory
Our staff mixed Netball team achieved a fantastic 24-16 victory over the Middlewich High staff team in November.
Miley's Confidence Builds with Kick-Boxing Belt Success
Year 8 student, Miley DW, passed her Red Belt (first belt) in kick-boxing November.
Calling the Year 11 Class of 2022-23
Our GCSE Awards Evening will be held at CHS on Wednesday 29th November from 6-7:30pm.

Paris Inspires CHS Artists
Our GCSE and A Level Artists were inspired by their trip to Paris in November

William Volunteers with Royal British Legion
Year 7 student, William AS, raised around £600 selling poppies over the Remembrance weekend.

Plane Sailing for Key Stage 3 Scientists
Our Key Stage 3 Science Club students tested their own paper plane designs in November

Year 9 Scientists Metal Investigations
Our Year 9 Scientists have made a great start on their new Metals topic.
Josh was Squadron Banner Bearer
Year 13 Deputy Head Student, Joshua BP, was the banner bearer for the 230 Squadron Royal Air Force Air Cadets at the town Remembrance Service.

Olly Competes in Irish National Championships
Year 11 Olly P took part in the Irish Taekwondo Association National Championships in Limerick.

Rowan and Rhys Support Event First Aiders
Year 9 students, Rowan T and Rhys E, helped St John Ambulance staff to attend to a lady who had fallen in the park at the town bonfire.

Year 7's Monster After School Art Activities
Our Year 7 Art Club students created great Monster drawings for Halloween.

Amber's Excellence, Courage and Ambition Burns Bright
Year 7 Amber regularly volunteers for local causes, including the annual Rotary Club Bonfire and Fireworks event.

Head Thanks Students with Breakfast

Marcus Captains Vale Juniors Team in First Ever Match
Year 7, Marcus PL, captained the Vale Juniors Year 7 Kick About Team for their first ever match recently.