Science Words of the Week
Ask your child what they can recall about the words 'Phase' and 'Botany'.

A Very Happy 98th Birthday, Sir David!
A very happy 98th birthday to Sir David Attenborough from Attenborough House (and Angelou, Mandela and Shakespeare too)!
Year 7 Readathon Winners Announced
Our Year 7 Readathon winners and runners up have been announced and presented with their prizes.
Our House Launch Week Buskers Lunches
Our House Launch Week Buskers Lunch talent shows proved just how much talent we have on our wonderful school community.

House Points Up For Grabs in Inter-House Football Matches
Our House Launch Week challenges included inter-House Football matches.

Students Challenged in House Launch Week
Our House Launch Week officially began on Monday 22nd April with two quizzes for students to complete throughout the week.

Our Official House Launch Week
Our official House Launch Week will run from Monday 22nd to Friday 26th April.
Year 7 Students Challenged to a Readathon for our First House Competition.
To coincide with World Book Day UK our first House competition was a Readathon for Year 7 students.

House Captain Applications are Now Open!
Could you motivate your fellow House members and help to lead your team? Applications are now open for CHS House Captains.
CHS House Draw Takes Place
Our new Heads of House have announced in which of our four Houses - Angelou, Attenborough, Mandela and Shakespeare - each form group now resides.