Image of Scientists Inform and Inspire Year 9
23 January 2024

Scientists Inform and Inspire Year 9

In January we held our Year 9 Science Careers Event and welcomed professionals involved in many different aspects of the scientific world to talk about their job roles.

Image of Helping Year 9 Make Important Options Choices
10 January 2024

Helping Year 9 Make Important Options Choices

Year 9 students and their parents/carers have been invited to join us for our Options Evening from 5:30-7:30pm on Thursday 11th January to find out more about selecting GCSE/BTEC Options for study in Years 10 and 11.

Image of Why Study Languages? Event Helps Students Plan for the Future
26 September 2023

Why Study Languages? Event Helps Students Plan for the Future

On European Day of Languages, CHS MFL students in Years 7 to 10 got the opportunity to participate in a "Why study languages" event.

Image of Year 8 Learn the Benefits of Languages
7 June 2023

Year 8 Learn the Benefits of Languages

In June, our Year 8 students enjoyed a talk by a team from The University of Liverpool about the life and career benefits of learning languages.

Image of Bring a Scientist to School Day
12 January 2023

Bring a Scientist to School Day

We welcomed a group of Scientists in to school in January to enlighted students as to the vast range of careers opened up by studying the Sciences.

Image of Year 9 Plan their Options
11 January 2023

Year 9 Plan their Options

We held our Options Evening for Year 9 students and their parents and carers in January.