Last Week of Term Computing Fun for ALL Students
Our Computing and Enterprise Faculty have some great activities for ALL students taking place each lunchtime in the last week of the summer term.

Practice Makes Prefect!
We held our first upper and lower school Prefect Workshop at the end of January, which was a really enjoyable and positive event.
A Second Hamilton Opportunity for Students
In January a second group of our Year 8-13 Performing Arts students were lucky enough to watch Hamilton at the Palace Theatre in Manchester.
Ollie Competes in Open Dutch Championships
Our Year 11 student, Ollie P, competed in the Open Dutch Taekwondo Championships at the end of January

Scientists Inform and Inspire Year 9
In January we held our Year 9 Science Careers Event and welcomed professionals involved in many different aspects of the scientific world to talk about their job roles.

Congleton Sixth Form Students Make History
Sixth Form students from Congleton High School enjoyed great success in the first ever Congleton Sixth Forms History Essay Competition.
CHS House Draw Takes Place
Our new Heads of House have announced in which of our four Houses - Angelou, Attenborough, Mandela and Shakespeare - each form group now resides.

Apprenticeship Opportunity for Year 12 Students
In January a group of our Year 13 Sixth Form students took part in a Mock Assessment Centre Day run by The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge at Shrigley Hall

Morrisons Support for our Free Breakfast Club
We were delighted to receive a generous donation of breakfast items and vouchers from Congleton Community Champion, Morrisons.

The CHS Information Superhighway
The CHS Information Superhighway (aka the main hall corridor) is now the place for students to be!

Science Club Students Rocket in to the New Year
In their first session of the new year, our Science Club students had great fun building and testing Rocket Cars
Celebrating the Rewards of Seven Great Years at CHS
We were very proud to be able to celebrate our Year 13 Class of 2022-23's seven great years at CHS at our Sixth Form Awards Evening.

Recognising and Rewarding Excellence
Just before Christmas we held Recognition Assemblies for all our year groups, celebrating students' great achievements throughout the autumn term.

GCSE German Students get a Taste of Germany in Manchester
Our GCSE German students were able to get a taste of German Christmas Markets when they visited the Christmas Markets in Manchester in December.
Harry Demonstrates Courage, Ambition and Scholarly Excellence
English teacher, Mrs Jakobsen, was delighted with the writing assessment results from her Year 8 class, particularly the work by Harry F.

A Spectacular Christmas Showcase!
Over 100 students from across the school community excelled in our Performing Arts team’s fantastic Christmas Showcase.

Year 10 Biologists Increase Knowledge and Understanding
Reinflating a sheep lung gave Year 10 Biologists a greater understanding of the respiratory system.

Breakfast with the Head for Over 160 Students
Over 160 students joined Ms Thurland to enjoy Breakfast with the Head at the end of December.

A Fantastic Final Food Bank Friday
The third and final week of Food Bank Friday 2023 saw another great collection by our Sixth Form students on behalf of The Storehouse Congleton.
Year 9's Big Arts Day
In December, our Year 9 students spent a full day exploring their creativity and produced some amazing artworks as a result

Isaac Achieves Grade 2 Trumpet
Year 9 students, Isaac W, passed his Grade 2 Trumpet with flying colours in December

Year 10 Students get Creative with their English Homework
Mrs Smith challenged her Year 10 GCSE English Language students to think on the spot and she wasn't disappointed by the result!

CHS Students’ Sailing Success
Three Congleton High School students celebrated success on the water at Rudyard Lake Sailing Club’s recent annual awards ceremony.

Another Fantastic Food Bank Friday
Thanks to all the CHS families who were able to send in items for our latest Food Bank Friday collection.
Oscar’s Swimming Success Continues
Our Y9 swimming superstar has continued his success in the pool this term.

CHS Drama Students Nominated for Awards
CHS Drama students, past and present, have been nominated for awards in the National Operatic and Dramatic Association Awards in February.

Drama Students Experience Hamilton at the Palace
Year 9 and Year 10 Drama students visited The Palace Theatre in December to see Hamilton live.

A Winning Design for a Christmas Card
Well done to the overall winner of our 2023 Christmas Card Competition, Year 9 Mia T.
Year 10 Computer Scientists use their Colour Depth Skills
Our Year 10 Computer Scientists explored colour depth in December and created some great 8-bit images.

MFL CLub Students' Italian Pasta Lesson
As part of their study of the Italian language and culture, our MFL Club students learned how to make a pasta dish using mainly Italian instructions!

Scholarly Excellence from Year 9 English Students
Mrs McKenzie's Year 9 English students demonstrated Scholarly Excellence in their essays discussing set text, The Hate You Give.
Join us to Celebrate Year 9's Big Art Skills!
We'll be holding an exhibition of all the artworks created during our Year 9 Big Arts Day and families are invited to join us to celebrate all the wonderful talent at CHS.
CHS Maths Team CyberFirst Girls North West Winners
We were delighted to learn that a team of CHS Maths students were the CyberFirst Girls North West winners.

Food Bank Friday Collection One of Biggest Yet
A big THANK YOU to everyone who was able to contribute to one of our biggest ever Food Bank Friday collections.
CHS Christmas Market Raises over £1500
Our Christmas Market on Friday 1st December raised a total of £1513.76, so thank you to everyone who came along to support the event.

Marble Run Challenge for Science Club Students
Our Science Club students created their own Marble Runs in the after-school sessions in November

Bike Safety Training for Year 7 Cyclists
In November, a group of our Year 7 students took part in some cycle training with instructors from Cycle Ready.

Food Bank Friday is Back!
Our Sixth Form students are running Food Bank Friday again, helping to collect items for The Storehouse Food Bank.

Respect for our Year 9 Students
We are very proud to see another group of Year 9 students excel on the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service Respect course.
Year 8 Language Ambassadors Visit Black Firs
Our Year 8 Language Ambassadors delivered an introduction to five languages for pupils at Black Firs in November
Celebrating GCSE Effort and Achievement
We were very proud to host an evening celebrating the effort and achievement of our Year 11 class of 2022-23

Year 8 Scientists See the Light
Ms Figiel’s Year 8 Scientists have been working on their ‘Light’ topic this half-term.
MFL Club Students Create their own Mona Lisas
Our MFL club students tried drawing like Da Vinci as part of their studies of the Italian language and culture.

Students Compete in Rotary Young Chef Competition
Eight of our students took part in the first stage of the Rotary Young Chef competition in November and two now go through to the next round.

Breakfast with the Head for Competition Winners
Another group of students, including the winners of our Christmas Card competition enjoyed a lovely breakfast with the Head on Friday 24th November.

Year 13 Investigate Apprenticeship Opportunities
Thirty-six of our Year 13 students visited The National Apprenticeship Show in Liverpool in November.
A CHS Treat for all the Family
Our Christmas Market on Friday 1st December will be the perfect opportunity to treat yourself and all the family.

Antonia and Becky Celebrate Music Grade Exam Success
Antonia L and Becky L are celebrating great results in their Music Grade exams

Do You Know Your Bronchus from Your Bronchiole?
Mrs Fitzsimmons' Year 8 Scientists have been learning about the structure and function of lungs.

Sixth Form Application Deadline is Friday 1st December
Don't miss the chance to become part of our fantastic CHS Sixth Form - Deadline for applications is Friday 1st December.

DNA Discoveries for our Year 11 Scientists
In November Mrs Fitzsimmons’ Year 11 Scientists studied the structure of DNA.

Important Information for All Year 11 Families
Ofqual is consulting with families and schools regarding the continuation of additional support for Year 11 students sitting Science and Maths GCSEs in 2024.

50 CHS Shoebox Gifts for Children Across the World
Thanks to the generosity of CHS families, we collected over 50 shoebox gifts that will be shared with children all over the world at Christmas.
Landon Lands a Monster Carp
Landon P was able to catch some impressive carp when he visited France.

Join Us for a Celebration of CHS Performing Arts Talent
Our Performing Arts team are holding their Christmas Showcase on Thursday 14th December from 6pm.

Bright Spark, Lexi, Demonstrates Scholarly Excellence
Lexi B's work on the Electricity topic in Science was a shining example of Scholarly Excellence.

William and Amber Volunteer with Santa!
Year 9 William S and Year 7 Amber S worked with the elves to make Santa's sleigh clean and safe for his Congleton rounds.

Year 7 Experience the Screaming Jelly Baby Experiment.
Our Year 7 students experienced the infamous Screaming Jelly Baby experiment in their Science lessons in November

Year 8 Rugby's 7-2 Win Levels Up Congleton Cup
Our Year 8 Rugby team's win against Eaton Bank enabled us to level up the Congleton Cup series.
Over £800 Raised for BBC Children in Need
Our fantastic Charity Ambassadors, students and staff raised a phenomenal £890.32 for BBC Children in Need in November!

A Christmas Carol for Year 10 and Year 11
In November we welcomed actors from Quantum Theatre who performed "A Christmas Carol," for Year 10 and Year 11.

CHS Supporting Children in Need
Miley's Confidence Builds with Kick-Boxing Belt Success
Year 8 student, Miley DW, passed her Red Belt (first belt) in kick-boxing November.
Calling the Year 11 Class of 2022-23
Our GCSE Awards Evening will be held at CHS on Wednesday 29th November from 6-7:30pm.

Great Football Result for Year 8 and 9
Our Year 8 and Year 9 Footballers finished second overall in their November matches at Shavington with 3 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss.
Harrison Sums Up Scholarly Excellence
Year 11 Harrison W has consistently demonstrated Scholarly Excellence in Maths this year.
Year 7 Scientists demonstrate Excellence, Curiosity and Courage
Year 7 completed their first dissection in November to help with their understanding of the Human Body topic.

Paris Inspires CHS Artists
Our GCSE and A Level Artists were inspired by their trip to Paris in November

Save the Date for our Christmas Market!
The CHS Christmas Market is back from 4-6pm on Friday 1st December

William Volunteers with Royal British Legion
Year 7 student, William AS, raised around £600 selling poppies over the Remembrance weekend.

Plane Sailing for Key Stage 3 Scientists
Our Key Stage 3 Science Club students tested their own paper plane designs in November

Year 9 Scientists Metal Investigations
Our Year 9 Scientists have made a great start on their new Metals topic.

Head Students Represent CHS at Town Remembrance Service
Our Head Students and Deputy Head Students represented CHS students and staff at the town Remembrance service in November.
Josh was Squadron Banner Bearer
Year 13 Deputy Head Student, Joshua BP, was the banner bearer for the 230 Squadron Royal Air Force Air Cadets at the town Remembrance Service.
CHS Remembers
On Friday 10th November, we took some precious moments to stop and reflect as a school on the great courage and sacrifice of those who have fought for our freedoms.
"I'll Remember this Forever!"
Thirty of our Performing Arts students visited the Empire Theatre to take part in workshops before experiencing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory live on stage.

Olly Competes in Irish National Championships
Year 11 Olly P took part in the Irish Taekwondo Association National Championships in Limerick.

Rowan and Rhys Support Event First Aiders
Year 9 students, Rowan T and Rhys E, helped St John Ambulance staff to attend to a lady who had fallen in the park at the town bonfire.

Year 7's Monster After School Art Activities
Our Year 7 Art Club students created great Monster drawings for Halloween.
Parkrun Fun for Students and Staff
Students and staff gathered in Congleton Park again on a Saturday morning to take part in the CHS Parkrun.

Amber's Excellence, Courage and Ambition Burns Bright
Year 7 Amber regularly volunteers for local causes, including the annual Rotary Club Bonfire and Fireworks event.

Head Thanks Students with Breakfast
Speedy Careers Opportunity for Year 8
As part of our ongoing Careers programme, our Year 8 students took part in a Speed Networking event in November.

Year 7 Scientists Investigate Fruit Power!
Our Year 7 Scientists have been investigating how fruit can be used as a battery.
Students Enjoy Brand New Refectory
Our brand new refectory is now up and running and students are able to enjoy break and lunch in one of our two dedicated facilities!
Year 13 Biologists Model Scholarly Excellence
Mrs Jackson-Moss' Year 13 Biologists have demonstrated Scholarly Excellence in their studies

Sixth Form Mathematicians Scoop Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards
Our Sixth Form Mathematicians took part in the UK Mathematics Trust Challenges in October, scooping Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards.
More Excellent Students Recognised
More excellence in behaviour, attitude and achievement was rewarded with Breakfast with the Head in October.

Year 7 and Year 8 Scientists Explore the Past, Present and Future
Our Year 7 and Year 8 Scientists visited Jodrell Bank to gather information for their Space and Light and Sound topics.

A Minibeast Treat for Visitors to Science
We have a wonderful display in our Science faculty of Bugs created by Key Stage 3 Artists.

Marcus Captains Vale Juniors Team in First Ever Match
Year 7, Marcus PL, captained the Vale Juniors Year 7 Kick About Team for their first ever match recently.
The Lights are on in Manufacturing Club
Our Key Stage 3 students have designed and made some fabulous lamps in our after school Manufacturing Club
#TeamCHS Continues Winning Streak
What a great way to finish off the half-term, with wins for our Netball and Football teams.
Scholarly Excellence from GCSE English Students
Mrs McKenzie has shared some of the work submitted by her GCSE English Literature students, which demonstrates our "Scholarly Excellence" school vision.

Calling Budding CHS Chefs
We are delighted to be able to offer students the opportunity to take part in the fantastic Rotary Young Chef Competition again this year.

Year 7 Scientists Impress with Scholarly Excellence
Science teacher, Ms Figiel, has been impressed by her Year 7 students' independent revision preparation for their first test of the year.
Olly Picks up Silver in Open English Championships
Year 11, Olly P, secured a Silver and Bronze medal at the AETA Open English Championships in October
Tyler Selected for County Football Team
Year 11 Tyler M has been selected for the Cheshire Football team.
Savannah Lands Place on County Netball Team and Manchester Thunder Pathway
Savannah H has been selected for the Cheshire U15s Netball team and the Manchester Thunder U14s pathway.
Holly's Writing Published for Sixth Time
Congratulations to Year 9, Holly W, who has had her creative writing published once again.

Sixth Form Student Abbi Demonstrates Scholarly Excellence
Year 12 Abbi R has impressed with her detailed and organised work, making a strong start to A Level English Literature.

Friday the 13th - Lucky for Some!
Friday 13th definitely wasn't an unlucky day for these students who enjoyed Breakfast with the Head in October
Mental Health Ambassadors Raise Awareness and £367.40
Our Sixth Form Mental Health Ambassadors raised awareness of Mental Health issues along with a fantastic £367.40 for local charity, Visyon with their Mental Health Awareness stall.
Year 9 Win Manchester United Comp for Third Year Running
Congratulations to our Year 9 Football team who won the Manchester United Qualifier Competition for the THIRD year in a row!
More Wins for Year 7 and Year 8 Netball Teams
Our Year 7 and Year 8 Netball teams racked up wins again in matches in October.

MFL Club Investigate Endangered Animals
As part of their studies of South American languages and cultures, our KS3 MFL Club students investigated some of the animals endangered in the region.
Year 7 and 8 Footballers Celebrate Win in Manchester
Another great win for our Footballers, Year and Year 8 achieved a 2-0 win against Wright Robinson College.

'Most Improved Boy', Jaime, Shares Tennis Skills with Refugees
Congratulations to Year 7 Jaime M, who was awarded the 'Most Improved Junior Boy' trophy at Congleton Lawn Tennis Club.

Raising Awareness of Mental Health
Our Mental Health Ambassadors are running a cakes, bakes, sweets and stickers Mental Health Awareness stall for Visyon at break and lunch on Wednesday 11th October.

Scholarly Excellence Displayed in Science Faculty
Jasmine and Abigail's work, demonstrating Scholarly Excellence will be on show in the Science faculty
Year 11 Students Try Out their Interview Skills
We held our annual Year 11 Mock Interview event in October and students were able to have an authentic interview experience with one of twenty five employers and other volunteer professionals.

Autumn After School Clubs from DT
Our DT team are running some great after school activities for students this term, including Manufacturing Club and a brand new D&D Club

GCSE Students Enjoy "The Most Phenomenal Production"!
Our GCSE Drama students enjoyed a trip to watch “the most phenomenal production” of Ocean at the End of the Lane at The Lowry.
Students Build Paper Towers in Science Club
Our Key Stage 3 Science Club students constructed towers only using paper and paper clips in one of their October sessions.

Achieving Scholarly excellence in Biology
Mrs Fitzsimmons’ Year 11 Biologists, Abi F, Amy H and Lottie, consistently work hard to achieve scholarly excellence

After School Sports Success
Our school sports teams are enjoying continued success in Netball and Football.

Year 8 Ambassadors Share their Love of Languages
Our Year 8 MFL Language Ambassadors are preparing their chosen language to showcase to two of our partner primary schools.
Jacob Achieves PB in Hyde Park 5K
Year 7 Jacob D took part in a 5K charity race in London at the beginning of the month, finishing in 23rd place with a PB time of 23.39.

Kitty Demonstrates Scholarly Excellence
Year 9 Kitty's English homework was a great example of scholarly excellence

Rare Sighting at CHS
A Death's-head Hawkmoth, the largest moth in the British Isles, was spotted at CHS by eagle-eyed students in September
80 Players Enjoy Netball Matches at Eaton Bank
Our Netball teams enjoyed matches against Eaton bank in September, winning three and losing three matches.
Year 12 Enjoy a University and Apprenticeship Fair Opportunity
Our Year 12 students travelled to Old trafford in September for the University and Apprenticeship Fair
Packed Performing Arts Clubs
Our Performing Arts Clubs are packed every week, with many students keen to get involved in Drama, Dance and Vocals

Join our Warm, Welcoming School Community
We are recruiting for an HLTA (Maths), a Cover Supervisor and a Cleaner to join our great team of staff at CHS.

Elkie Trains with 10th Dan Grand Master in Vienna
Year 10, Elkie B, travelled to Vienna with her Karate School, to train under Master Ohshita, 10th Dan Grand Master
Why Study Languages? Event Helps Students Plan for the Future
On European Day of Languages, CHS MFL students in Years 7 to 10 got the opportunity to participate in a "Why study languages" event.
A Great Start for 2023-24 Team Sport at CHS
We're only a few weeks in to the new year and we are already racking up wins for #TeamCHS!
Year 8 Enjoy Engineering with Lego
A group of Year 8 students enjoyed a LEGO event in September, making a robot and using computer code to make it move and hop.

Year 7 Work Together in Team Building Day
Our Year 7 students really enjoyed their Team Building Day, which created strong foundations for a very successful and united cohort.

KS3 Science Club Students Building Bridges
Students learned about Aqueducts in Science Club then had a go at making their own version.
SIMS and satchel:one Information for Year 7 Parents and Carers
Parents and carers will receive information and login details to enable them to register for SIMS and satchel:one.
Perfect Weather for our First Park Run
Wednesday 13th September was the perfect weather for our first CHS Park Run.

CHS Alumna, Emily, Now Junior Doctor at Royal Stoke
We were very proud to learn that CHS Alumna, Emily Hepting, is now a Junior Doctor at Royal Stoke Hospital.

Fern Wins Three British Titles in a week!
Year 10 student, Fern L, who managed to win three British Clay Pigeon Shooting Titles in a single week in August!

CHS Students Star in The Railway Children
We can't wait to see the Congleton Players' production of The Railway Children, featuring CHS students past and present.

Triple A Megan Achieves Her Footballing Dream
Megan Beech achieved fantastic A*/A/A grades at A Level but couldn't attend results day as she was busy moving across the world to take up a place on degree course in the USA.

Kate Scores Place with Lewes FC
Kate Oakley has deferred her place to study Sport and Exercise Science at Brighton University to take up a contract with Lewes FC Women's team

Phoebe Takes Call from Football Star
After she collected her A Level results in August, Phoebe Jennings got the chance to chat with Gary Neville about her reasons for choosing to study at UA92.

Oscar's Personal Best Wins Him National Title
Oscar dV achieved a personal best time and first place in the 200m Butterfly final at the English National Championships in August.

Former Student, Will, Stars in Lowry Show
CHS Alumna, Will Bours, takes on the lead role in Innit, a Micky Dacks musical appearing at The Lowry in September.
Latest CHS Newsletter Out Now
Our latest Newsletter is out now and packed full of news of our vibrant school community.

Hard Work and Great Behaviour Rewarded
45 students earned a place on the Science Rewards Trip to Substation at the end of the school year.
Rainy Race for Life Raises £484
Despite poor weather, the #TeamCHS Race for Life runners and walkers raised a fabulous £484 for Cancer Research.
Workplace Experience Opportunity for Year 10
In July, our Year 10 students gained invaluable 'experience of the workplace' in a range of careers opportunities.

Cheshire East Summer Activities
Cheshire East's Youth Support Services Summer programme offers a range of great activities over the summer.

Barney Passes Grade VII Piano with Distinction
Year 10 student, Barney M passed his Grade VII Piano exam with Distinction in July.

The Gift of Reading
A group of students visited Waterstones and helped to choose books for our LRC thanks to a generous £200 donation.

Key Stage 3 Art Talent on Show
Once again there was a wonderful array of artworks on show at our Key Stage 3 Art Exhibition in July.

Year 12's Interest Sparked at Keele University
Our Year 12 History students had a taste of university life on their recent trip to Keele University

Amelia Achieves Grade V Piano
Our Year 9 student, Amelia H, has successfully achieved her Grade V Piano Exam and is now working on her Grade V Theory Exam.

Running Together to Save Lives
It's Cancer Research UK Race for Life on Tuesday 18th July and our students will be running/walking 5km for Cancer Research UK.

High Achieving Year 7 Students Experience the Future
Thirty-five Year 7 students have enjoyed a series of High Achievers sessions, which introduced them to a range subjects they would normally wait until Sixth Form to study.
Annie is a Big Hit
Our Performing Arts team's production of Annie was an incredible success and also helped to raise almost £500 for The Georgia Leigh Ogden trust!

Year 11 Learn Skills for Sixth Form
To help prepare them for Sixth Form, a group of our Year 11 students took part in workshops at Edge Hill University, Lancashire, in July
Dream Job for Yadi
Year 8 student, Yadi D, has been working with a team who prepare horses to compete in high level competitions.
Work and Life Experience for Year 12
Over 100 of our Year 12 students took part in work placements in a wide variety of sectors in July.
Year 11 Celebrate at Shrigley Hall Prom
Our Year 11 students celebrated the end of GCSEs and marked the end of their time in the main school with a Prom in July

Celebrating Sporting Excellence at CHS
We celebrated students' success in sports including curling, football, clay pigeon shooting and taekwondo at our annual Sports Awards Evening in July.
Last STOP Morning of 2022/3
Students engaged in a range of PSHE topics in our final STOP Morning of the academic year.

Cloudy with a Chance of Wet Feet
Our Year 12 students' river sampling trip turned out to be a very damp event indeed!

Year 12 Biologists Succeed in Olympiad
Congratulations to all our Year 12 students who took part in the UKBC Intermediate Biology Olympiad in June.

Pride Stall Raises Almost £300
Our LGBTQ+ Ambassadors rounded off Pride Month at CHS with a Pride Stall offering cakes, a range of Pride merchandise and face painting, raising almost £300 for akt (Albert Kennedy Trust).

Welcoming our September 2023 Year 7 Students
At the end of June we welcomed all our September 2023 Year 7 students in to school for two New Intake Days
Sports Day Success!
We enjoyed another fantastic Sports Day this year, with school records broken in both track and field events and a great day had by competitors and supporters alike!
Brain Games Teamwork
Students worked "Together in the Pursuit of Excellence" in our Brain Games in June.

Award Winning Author Visit
On Monday June 26th, award Winning Football Author, Matt Oldfield, will visit CHS to inspire our Year 7 and 8 students.

Year 12 Psychologists' View on the Hierarchy of Needs
Year 12 Psychologists have been developing their knowledge and understanding of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Barney Takes Gold and Silver
Congratulations to Year 10 student, Barney M, who achieved gold and silver medals in the distance swim meet in Macclesfield in June.
You've Seen the World, Now Watch the Films!
All Key Stage 3 students are welcome to join our International Film Club from 3-4pm every Wednesday in D0-11

Mia Plans a Fire Service Career
Mia F, Year 8, enjoyed the Cheshire Fire Service RESPECT Course so much last term that she has joined the Fire Cadets and plans to pursue a career in the Service!
Year 8 Learn the Benefits of Languages
In June, our Year 8 students enjoyed a talk by a team from The University of Liverpool about the life and career benefits of learning languages.

Rhys to Represent Macclesfield in Juventus World Cup
Year 7 Rhys W has been selected to represent Macclesfield under 12s in the Juventus Academy Youth World Cup in Italy in June.
Building on our Success
The modular units for our new Dining Block were delivered to site and installed over the half-term break.

CHS Alumnus, Jordan, to Take on Lead Role at Clonter Opera
We were delighted to hear that former student, Jordan Harding-Pointon, will take on one of the main roles in Mozart's 'The Magic Flute' at Clonter Opera in July.
Oscar to Compete in National Competitions
Following a series of successful results in National qualifying Swimming competitions, Year 8 Oscar dV looks set to have been selected to compete in six events
Year 10 Students win Silver and Bronze in Worldwide Competition
Congratulations to all our Year 10 students who took part in the UKBC Biology Challenge and to our eight award winning students.
Emily Represents North West in British Championships
Year 7 Emily G and her Acrobatic Gymnastics trio competed against teams from across the UK in the British Championships in May.
Our Latest Newsletter is Out Now
Get your copy of our latest newsletter to read all about CHS students Achieving Success Together
Week Streaks Challenge Continues
Our Week Streaks Challenge results to date show that students understand that attendance equals progress
Effort and Achievement Recognised
We were delighted to be able to recognise and reward the positive behavior of 94% of the main school with recognitions letters sent out at the end of May.
CHS is Full of Life
In our Science Club, Key Stage 3 students were able to investigate the wide variety of insects and other creatures around the School site.
CHS U13s Win Every Match
Our u13 Boys team triumphed in all of their games at the Cheshire Youth Sports Football games in May
New Recording and Computer Equipment for Performing Arts
We've welcomed delivery of a whole suite of recording and computer equipment for our Performing Arts department and students have been quick to master the new kit.

Annie Tickets Go on Sale
Tickets for our Performing Arts summer production of Annie the Musical go on sale from 10am on Friday 5th May.

Malta Bound PE Teams Make us Proud
Our Football and Netball teams headed off to Malta for fixtures and fun in the Easter break and, right from the off, made us proud!

Christmas has Landed in the LRC
Christmas has landed at the LRC with a Christmas tree, Olaf the Snowman and even a great Christmas competition