Year 9 and Year 10 Hear Important Substance Use Messages
Change Grow Live delivered an informative 'substance use' session for our Year 9 and Year 10 students in March.
Last STOP Morning of 2022/3
Students engaged in a range of PSHE topics in our final STOP Morning of the academic year.

Police Talk Helps Keep Students Safe
In May we were visited by a team from Cheshire Police who talked with students about the issues of anti-social behaviour and knife crime.

Students - Share Your Thoughts for Positive Change
Cheshire Youth Commission, working in partnership with the Police and Crime Commissioner, is asking our students to share their views on the Commission's key priorities for 2023.

A Powerful and Moving Talk for Year 10
Figen Murray, mother of Martyn Hett, gave a powerful and moving talk to our Year 10 students.
Students STOP to think
Students took part in a PSHE STOP Morning at the beginning of February and enjoyed a variety of presentations from external expert speakers and CHS staff.