Another Fantastic Win for our Netball Team
Our Netball team celebrated a 34-21 win against Cheadle Hulme at the beginning of October!
Year 7 and Year 8 Rugby Triumph at Macclesfield 10s
Our Year 7 and 8 Rugby team took on six Cheshire schools in the Macclesfield 10s Tournament winning five of their six matches!
Year 7 Teambuilding Day Success
Our Year 7 students enjoyed a full day of Teambuilding activities in September.
The 2024 Year 7 Teambuilding Day
We're looking forward to holding our annual Year 7 Teambuilding Day on Thursday 19th September.

Celebrating all the Great Sports People and Teams at CHS
We celebrated all our amazing sports people and teams at our annual Sports Awards Evening in July.

Sisters n Sport Semifinal for our u14s Team
Our u14s team took part in the semifinals of the Sisters n Sport National Plate Competition in June.
Rain Didn't Stop Play at the Cheshire Football Festival
We enjoyed a great day out at the Year 7/8 Cheshire FA Football Festival in May

South Cheshire Champions!
Congratulations to our winning Year 7 and year 9 Football teams at the South Cheshire Cup Finals in April.

Students Challenged in House Launch Week
Our House Launch Week officially began on Monday 22nd April with two quizzes for students to complete throughout the week.
CHS Team Smashes Swimathon Record!
Twenty-one of our students and Mr Brassington took part in the Congleton Rotary Swimathon setting a fantastic new Swimathon team record.
Great South Cheshire Netball Results in March
More great sports results in the South Cheshire Netball Tournament, thanks to our Year 9 and Year 10 Netball teams.
Great Sportsmanship from Year 7 and 8 Rugby Players
Our Year 7 and Year 8 u13 Rugby team took part in a tournament at Macclesfield Rugby Club in March

A Friendly Win for Year 7 Rugby Team
Our Year 7 Rugby team won a friendly tournament at home against Woodhouse, James Bateman and Eaton Bank at the beginning of February

A Win for our Badminton Team
Well done to our Badminton team who secured a victory in their match against Eaton bank in January

PE Extracurricular Timetable has Lots to Offer
Our latest PE extracurricular timetable has lots on offer for students this half term

Respect for our Year 9 Students
We are very proud to see another group of Year 9 students excel on the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service Respect course.
#TeamCHS Continues Winning Streak
What a great way to finish off the half-term, with wins for our Netball and Football teams.
Year 9 Win Manchester United Comp for Third Year Running
Congratulations to our Year 9 Football team who won the Manchester United Qualifier Competition for the THIRD year in a row!
More Wins for Year 7 and Year 8 Netball Teams
Our Year 7 and Year 8 Netball teams racked up wins again in matches in October.
Year 7 and 8 Footballers Celebrate Win in Manchester
Another great win for our Footballers, Year and Year 8 achieved a 2-0 win against Wright Robinson College.

Year 7 Work Together in Team Building Day
Our Year 7 students really enjoyed their Team Building Day, which created strong foundations for a very successful and united cohort.
Perfect Weather for our First Park Run
Wednesday 13th September was the perfect weather for our first CHS Park Run.

Year 11's Growing Life Skills
As part of their ASDAN qualification, a group of our Year 11 students completed ten hours of work experience in May at The Storehouse Foodbank at New Life Church.
Mr Ainsley's Summer Fair Hair Promise
Mr Ainsley has promised to shave his head if Year 10 can raise £1,200 at their Summer Fair on Wednesday 6th July

A Sports Day First
For the first time ever, along with our traditional Sports Day, we will also be holding an Alternative Sports Day to enable students who are not keen on sports or just like to exercise their brains to compete in their form group teams.