Year 12 Explore Oxford University Opportunities
A group of our Year 12 students visited the Oxford University Open Day in June.
Year 12 Explore Post 18 Opportunities at UCAS Fair
The UCAS Fair was a chance for Year 12 to find out more about future destinations.

A Valuable Careers Opportunity for All Students
It's our Careers Fair on Thursday 21st March and all students will be able to spend time in the school day speaking with some of the 40+ employers taking part.
Can You Spot the Bot?
Our Year 12 English Language students took part in research to find out whether humans can spot AI text. You can have a go too!

Tom Darlington (2014-21) Joins CHS Alumni Page
We're delighted to welcome Tom Darlington (2014-21) as the newest recruit to our Alumni webpage.
Post 18 Planning for Sixth Form Students
Our Sixth Form students enjoyed a range of enrichment sessions at the end of January, helping them to plan for higher education, careers and becoming more self sufficient.
Year 12 Enjoy a University and Apprenticeship Fair Opportunity
Our Year 12 students travelled to Old trafford in September for the University and Apprenticeship Fair

CHS Alumna, Emily, Now Junior Doctor at Royal Stoke
We were very proud to learn that CHS Alumna, Emily Hepting, is now a Junior Doctor at Royal Stoke Hospital.

Triple A Megan Achieves Her Footballing Dream
Megan Beech achieved fantastic A*/A/A grades at A Level but couldn't attend results day as she was busy moving across the world to take up a place on degree course in the USA.

Phoebe Takes Call from Football Star
After she collected her A Level results in August, Phoebe Jennings got the chance to chat with Gary Neville about her reasons for choosing to study at UA92.
Sixth Form Students’ Results Secure First Choice University, Apprenticeship and Employment Places
Students and staff at Congleton High School are celebrating a strong set of A Level results again this year, which have enabled the majority of the cohort to progress on to their first choice university, apprenticeship and employment destinations.

Year 12's Interest Sparked at Keele University
Our Year 12 History students had a taste of university life on their recent trip to Keele University