We welcomed Ofsted inspectors in to school in February and are now in receipt of our final report. We are pleased to confirm that the inspectors who visited us have agreed that we remain a Good school and that we continue to embody our school motto, Achieving Success Together.
The report itself represents our school community well and we are particularly proud of all the positive comments regarding our students:
- “Pupils are polite, courteous and enjoy speaking with visitors to the school. They behave well in lessons and around school, which results in a calm and purposeful environment.”
- “From Year 7 to 13, pupils respect each other and are considerate of each other’s differences.”
There are also some excellent observations of the strengths of school staff, their knowledge and also the support they give to students for both their academic and personal development along with emotional and physical wellbeing:
- “Teachers have strong subject knowledge…they use this expertise to help pupils remember and apply the essential knowledge and skills they have been taught.”
- “Leaders are ambitious for all pupils.”
- “Leaders place as much emphasis on pupils’ personal development as they do on their academic achievement.”
- “Pupils are confident that leaders and staff will listen to their concerns. they trust staff to sort out any concerns they may have.”
- “The experienced safeguarding team is supported by staff who are knowledgeable and alert to any issues pupils may face.”
We have also been delighted to see our “broad and balanced curriculum” positively described as “shaped well to meet pupils’ needs, interests and aspirations.”
Thank you to all those parents and carers who contributed to the inspection through the Ofsted Parent View questionnaire. Your responses were considered by the inspectors and formed the basis of a number of conversations between the school leadership and inspectors.
The report gives a fair assessment of what we do well at Congleton High School and also provides us with a focus for how we can continue to be even better. We will be using this information, along with the views of students, parents, carers and staff to make our next steps on this journey of improvement.
The latest Ofsted report and previous reports can be found in the About Us section of this website. Click here to be redirected.