2023-24 Year 13 Recognised and Celebrated
Our Sixth Form Awards celebrated the hard work and dedication of our 2023-24 Year 13 students.
Celebrating Hard Work and Achievement at our 2024 GCSE Awards Evening
Our 2024 GCSE Awards Evening in November was a wonderful way to celebrate our 2023-24 Year 11 cohort.

Our July Newsletter is Out Now
Our July Newsletter is out now and packed full of celebrations of CHS.

Celebrating all the Great Sports People and Teams at CHS
We celebrated all our amazing sports people and teams at our annual Sports Awards Evening in July.

Our February Newsletter is Out Now!
The February issue of our newsletter is full of wonderful examples of students' scholarly excellence, curiosity, courage and ambition.
CHS Celebrates Christmas
Staff and students enjoyed a wonderful last day of term, celebrating in style together.
Our December Newsletter is Out Now
Read all about our busy half-term in the December newsletter.
Join us to Celebrate Year 9's Big Art Skills!
We'll be holding an exhibition of all the artworks created during our Year 9 Big Arts Day and families are invited to join us to celebrate all the wonderful talent at CHS.

Join Us for a Celebration of CHS Performing Arts Talent
Our Performing Arts team are holding their Christmas Showcase on Thursday 14th December from 6pm.
Year 9 Win Manchester United Comp for Third Year Running
Congratulations to our Year 9 Football team who won the Manchester United Qualifier Competition for the THIRD year in a row!
Celebrating Students' Contribution to School Life
We held a celebration breakfast in July with all of our Sports Awards winners and Annie cast and crew members.

Celebrating Sporting Excellence at CHS
We celebrated students' success in sports including curling, football, clay pigeon shooting and taekwondo at our annual Sports Awards Evening in July.
Sports Day Success!
We enjoyed another fantastic Sports Day this year, with school records broken in both track and field events and a great day had by competitors and supporters alike!
Annie Cast get Inspiration
Our Annie casts visited the Regent Theatre in Stoke-on-Trent in May to watch Jodie Prenger as Miss Hannigan direct from the West End production of the musical.

Celebration Leavers' Assembly Planned for Year 13
We'll be holding a Leavers' Assembly for our Sixth Form Year 13 students on Friday 12th May before their Study Leave beginsĀ on Monday 15th May.

Celebrate Success With Us
Success@CongletonHigh.com is our dedicated email address for stories about our students' wonderful achievements out of school.
Latest CHS Newsletter Available Now
Our latest newsletter, packed full of stories of our school community, is available to view and download in the News section of this website.