Year 7 Study the Power of Fruit!
Year 7PD investigated 'fruity' batteries in their Science lessons with Mrs Jackson Moss.

Biodiversity Club Launches with a Great Discovery
Our Biodiversity Club met for the first time in October and launched with an activity to find signs of nature in the school grounds.

Year 6 Join us to Celebrate our Annual Cultural Diversity Day
We invited Year 6 children from Congleton and surrounding areas to join us for our annual Cultural Diversity Day in September.

A Warm Welcome to our New Year 7 Students
It was wonderful to welcome our new Year 7 students to our school community and they all look very smart in their new uniforms!

Celebrating our 2024 Sixth Form College Results
We were delighted to be able to celebrate a great set of results with our Sixth Form College students this summer and thrilled to see them achieve what they needed to progress on to the next stage of their life journey.

Celebrating CHS at our New Scholars' Awards Evening
We held our first ever Scholars' Awards Evening in July to recognise the students and staff who perfectly represent our school community and school values.
7AB Scientists Create Bespoke Animal Homes
7AB created model animal shelters as part of their Science topic.
Last Week of Term Computing Fun for ALL Students
Our Computing and Enterprise Faculty have some great activities for ALL students taking place each lunchtime in the last week of the summer term.

Our Science Words of the Week.
Ask your child what they can tell you about the words: Hemisphere and Summer.

Work Placements Give Year 12 a Head Start
Year 12 students have been able to experience work in their chosen careers or discover some of the many work options available to them.

Science Words of the Week
Ask your child what they can recall about the words 'Phase' and 'Botany'.

Year 7's Recipe for Success
Students in 7b5 created their own Congleton High School Recipe for Success in their English lessons.

Making Toothpaste for an Elephant!
Students enjoyed the Elephant Toothpaste experiment in Science Club.

7CMJ Spot the Spiders and Identify the Insects
7CMJ enjoyed classifying invertebrates in their Science lessons.
Election Day at CHS
All our students got the opportunity to take part in a mock election in July.

Biology Olympiad Success for Year 12 Biologists
Nine of our Year 12 Biologists took part in this year's Intermediate Biology Olympiad.
Wimbledon Trip for Year 10
A group of our Year 10 students enjoyed a trip to Wimbledon at the beginning of July.

Year 7 Artists Gain Inspiration from Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Our Year 7 Artists visited the Yorkshire Sculpture Park in June.
Year 10 Explore Poetry in Ash Dickinson Workshops
We welcomed poet and author, Ash Dickinson, back in to school in June to lead Poetry Workshops for our Year 10 students.
Our Winning Year 10 Scientists
22 of our Year 10 Scientists took part in the UKBC Biology Challenge, winning Gold, Bronze and COmmendations.

Bienvenue - MFL French Club for Key Stage 3
Our MFL French Club has now started and all Key Stage 3 students are welcome

It's Pride Week at CHS
We're celebrating CHS Pride Week from 10th-14th June and our LGBTQ+ Ambassadors will be running a range of activities.
Transition Information Film for New Year 7 Students and Families
We have put together a short film to help answer all the transition questions asked by our new Year 7 students.
Election Fever Comes to CHS!
Students will take part in our own Mock Election on Wednesday 3rd July and compare the results to the real thing!

Our Science Words of the Week
Our Science Words of the Week this week are Wavelength and Ultrasonic.

Our Spring in a Frame Photography Winners
Year 7 Freddie L and Year 9 Jess D were the winners of our Spring in a Frame photography competition.

Our Classroom Tourists Explore France
After the half-term break, our MFL Club students will explore the language and culture of France.

Year 12 Chemists Complete Aspirin Practicals
Our Year 12 Chemists have completed the final step in synthesising Aspirin for their their assessed practical component.

Ms. Thurland Meets our New Year 7 Students
Ms. Thurland has been visiting our partner primary schools to meet with our new Year 7 students.

Our Science Words of the Week
Our Science Words of the Week this week are Terminate and Density

Celebrating Young Chefs at Congleton High
We were delighted to host the Rotary Young Chef District Final at CHS in May.

Science Words of the Week
This week's Science Words of the Week are Metabolism and Substitute.
CHS Hosts Rotary Young Chef District Final
We're hosting the Congleton Rotary Young Chef Competition District Final on Monday 13th May

A Very Happy 98th Birthday, Sir David!
A very happy 98th birthday to Sir David Attenborough from Attenborough House (and Angelou, Mandela and Shakespeare too)!

Year 10 Scientists Learn About Irradiation
Our Year 10 Scientists have been learning all about irradiation including the safety wear required!

Year 12 Chemists Learn More About Aspirin
In their lessons, our Year 12 Chemists have been learning about Aspirin - it's history and how it is made.
MFL Club Classroom Tourists Arrive in Germany
In their first meeting after the Easter break, our MFL Club classroom tourists learned about all things German!

7HV's Posters are Out of This World!
Mr Holmes challenged 7HV to work in pairs on posters about space.
New and Old Favourite Sports on Offer this Half-Term
Our PE Faculty is offering a range of new and old-favourite extracurricular sports along with GCSE support activities this half-term

Key Stage 3 Scientists Study Life in Miniature
Our Key Stage 3 Scientists compared animal and plant cells under the microscope in their after-school Science Club.

Students Challenged in House Launch Week
Our House Launch Week officially began on Monday 22nd April with two quizzes for students to complete throughout the week.
FREE Elevate Learning Support Webinars For Parents and Carers
Study skills experts, Elevate, are offering FREE learning skills webinars for parents and carers.

Year 10 English Students Take Over the Lesson
Jozsef and Lennon helped classmates improve their creative prose writing recently.

Year 8 Windy Racer Winners
Mrs Fitzsimmons set her Year 8 class a 'windy racer' STEM challenge in March.
Our New Logo, Vision and Values
We are delighted to be able to share our new logo, vision and values with CHS families.

Year 12 Social Scientists' London Learning
A trip to London gave Year 12 Social Scientists greater insight in to the legal system and inventor of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud.

Olivia and Daniel - Our Year 7 Spring Term Headteacher's Award Winners
Congratulations to Olivia G and Daniel P, our Year 7 Headteacher’s Award winners for the Spring Term.

MFL Club to Explore Germany
After the Easter break, our MFL Club tourists will be immersing themselves in the German culture and language.

A Valuable Careers Opportunity for All Students
It's our Careers Fair on Thursday 21st March and all students will be able to spend time in the school day speaking with some of the 40+ employers taking part.
Can You Spot the Bot?
Our Year 12 English Language students took part in research to find out whether humans can spot AI text. You can have a go too!
March Issue of the CHS Science Bulletin Out Now!
Year 13 Scientist, Ben D, has published the March issue of his Science Bulletin, which is packed full of interesting Science facts and quirky information.

Sixth Form Geographers Assess Big Business Impact on High Street
Our Year 12 A' Level Geography students visited Rusholme in March to assess the impact of large corporations on the high street.

Key Stage 3 Students have a Shocking Time in Science Club
Key Stage 3 Science Club students had a shocking time in March investigating static electricity.

MFL Students Enjoy Spanish Culture, Food and Sunshine
Our MFL students enjoyed culture, language, food and, of course, the 20 degree sun on their trip to Málaga in March.

Year 12 Computer Scientists' Tasty Topology Revision!
Our Year 12 Computer Scientists built some very tasty network topology diagrams in their revision sessions!

Fern, Isabel and Georgie Spend a Day with Bentley
In March, three of our students took part in the annual 'Girls into Bentley' day, which aims to inspire girls to consider careers in the automotive industry.

World Book Day at CHS
Our students enjoyed a wonderful World Book Day this year, with a range of activities designed to encourage them to read for pleasure.

Time for KS3 Students to Design a British Science Week Poster
As part of our British Science Week celebrations, we're challenging Key Stage 3 students to design a poster on this year's theme of TIME.

A Warm Welcome to our New Year 7 Students
Congratulations and a very warm welcome to all those Year 6 students who have successfully secured a place to join us as our new Year 7 in September 2024

Year 8 Cryptographers Attend Oxford Prizegiving
Our talented Year Cryptographers - Lauren W, Lydia H, Sophie C and Tilly B - travelled down to Oxford in March to collect their award and lots of prizes for winning the CyberFirst Girls Competition.

National Careers Week at CHS
It's National Careers Week from 4th to 9th March and we'll be supporting all our students with their ongoing careers explorations.
Ben Informs and Inspires Student Scientists
Year 13 Scientist, Ben D, has put together the first of a series of interesting and informative Science Bulletins.
Year 12 Biologists Change Congleton Weather
In order to measure plant transpiration, our Year 12 Biologists created some artificial weather conditions!

Introducing our New School Logos
Introducing our new main school and Sixth Form logos, which now clearly communicate our values and expectations.

Our February Newsletter is Out Now!
The February issue of our newsletter is full of wonderful examples of students' scholarly excellence, curiosity, courage and ambition.

Year 12 Biologists Capture Images of Plant Transport Systems
Our Year 12 Biologists captured some great images during their study of plant transport systems

Portugal Next Stop for MFL Club
After the half-term break the MFL Club students will investigate Portugal with our native speaker, Mrs Currah-Hall.

Another Successful NSPCC Number Day at CHS
Our annual NSPCC Number Day was a great success again this year with a real focus on Numeracy in all subjects across the school.
Year 10 Rotary Young Photographer Winners
Three of our Year 10 students were awarded prizes in the Rotary Young Photographer Competition.

Year 7 Students Guess the Employers
Year 7 students took part in our Guess the Employer Careers event in January.

Science Club Students Rocket in to the New Year
In their first session of the new year, our Science Club students had great fun building and testing Rocket Cars

Students Enjoy a Taste of Greece
Our MFL Club students enjoyed a taste of Greek life in January when they sampled some delicious foodie treats including baklava, tzatziki, feta and olives!

Helping Year 9 Make Important Options Choices
Year 9 students and their parents/carers have been invited to join us for our Options Evening from 5:30-7:30pm on Thursday 11th January to find out more about selecting GCSE/BTEC Options for study in Years 10 and 11.
Our December Newsletter is Out Now
Read all about our busy half-term in the December newsletter.

Recognising and Rewarding Excellence
Just before Christmas we held Recognition Assemblies for all our year groups, celebrating students' great achievements throughout the autumn term.

Year 10 Biologists Increase Knowledge and Understanding
Reinflating a sheep lung gave Year 10 Biologists a greater understanding of the respiratory system.

Drama Students Experience Hamilton at the Palace
Year 9 and Year 10 Drama students visited The Palace Theatre in December to see Hamilton live.
Year 10 Computer Scientists use their Colour Depth Skills
Our Year 10 Computer Scientists explored colour depth in December and created some great 8-bit images.

MFL CLub Students' Italian Pasta Lesson
As part of their study of the Italian language and culture, our MFL Club students learned how to make a pasta dish using mainly Italian instructions!

Scholarly Excellence from Year 9 English Students
Mrs McKenzie's Year 9 English students demonstrated Scholarly Excellence in their essays discussing set text, The Hate You Give.
CHS Maths Team CyberFirst Girls North West Winners
We were delighted to learn that a team of CHS Maths students were the CyberFirst Girls North West winners.

Marble Run Challenge for Science Club Students
Our Science Club students created their own Marble Runs in the after-school sessions in November

Year 8 Scientists See the Light
Ms Figiel’s Year 8 Scientists have been working on their ‘Light’ topic this half-term.

Do You Know Your Bronchus from Your Bronchiole?
Mrs Fitzsimmons' Year 8 Scientists have been learning about the structure and function of lungs.

Bright Spark, Lexi, Demonstrates Scholarly Excellence
Lexi B's work on the Electricity topic in Science was a shining example of Scholarly Excellence.

Year 7 Experience the Screaming Jelly Baby Experiment.
Our Year 7 students experienced the infamous Screaming Jelly Baby experiment in their Science lessons in November

Paris Inspires CHS Artists
Our GCSE and A Level Artists were inspired by their trip to Paris in November

Plane Sailing for Key Stage 3 Scientists
Our Key Stage 3 Science Club students tested their own paper plane designs in November

Year 7 Scientists Investigate Fruit Power!
Our Year 7 Scientists have been investigating how fruit can be used as a battery.
Year 13 Biologists Model Scholarly Excellence
Mrs Jackson-Moss' Year 13 Biologists have demonstrated Scholarly Excellence in their studies
More Excellent Students Recognised
More excellence in behaviour, attitude and achievement was rewarded with Breakfast with the Head in October.

Year 7 and Year 8 Scientists Explore the Past, Present and Future
Our Year 7 and Year 8 Scientists visited Jodrell Bank to gather information for their Space and Light and Sound topics.
The Lights are on in Manufacturing Club
Our Key Stage 3 students have designed and made some fabulous lamps in our after school Manufacturing Club

Calling Budding CHS Chefs
We are delighted to be able to offer students the opportunity to take part in the fantastic Rotary Young Chef Competition again this year.

Friday the 13th - Lucky for Some!
Friday 13th definitely wasn't an unlucky day for these students who enjoyed Breakfast with the Head in October