Year 12 Represent CHS in the House of Lords
Eight of our Year 12 students traveled to London in March to compete in the 2025 Debating Matters House of Lords Championship.

Students Enjoy Sun, Sea and a Week of Sport
Our students enjoyed another great summer CHS PE Water Sports Tour at the end of the school year.
Wimbledon Trip for Year 10
A group of our Year 10 students enjoyed a trip to Wimbledon at the beginning of July.

Year 7 Artists Gain Inspiration from Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Our Year 7 Artists visited the Yorkshire Sculpture Park in June.
Election Fever Comes to CHS!
Students will take part in our own Mock Election on Wednesday 3rd July and compare the results to the real thing!

Congleton Library Seeks Summer Volunteers
Cheshire East Libraries are recruiting volunteers (aged 13 and over) to help with the Summer Reading Challenge.

7HV's Posters are Out of This World!
Mr Holmes challenged 7HV to work in pairs on posters about space.

Sixth Form English Students Enjoy Unique Production Of Hardy Classic
Our Sixth Form English Literature students enjoyed a unique 'circus skills' production of Hardy’s Tess of the D'Urbervilles in February.

Our MFL Club Presents: Una Viagem a Portugal
Our MFL Club Year 7 students enjoyed una viagem a Portugal (a trip to Portugal) in February.

Year 12 Chemists Develop their Practical Skills
Dr Jones' Year 12 Chemists carried out one of their twelve required practicals in February.

Year 7 Go Silent!
Our Performing Arts team challenged their Year 7 classes to create their own 'Silent Movie' this term.

A Fantastic Opportunity for our Year 10 Scientists
Thirty of our Year 10 Scientists learned more about the wonderful world of Science at GCSE Science Live in January

Students Enjoy a Taste of Greece
Our MFL Club students enjoyed a taste of Greek life in January when they sampled some delicious foodie treats including baklava, tzatziki, feta and olives!

Students Delighted with High School Musical Announcement
High School Musical has been revealed as the CHS 2024 summer production and students have been invited to audition for main cast and support roles.

GCSE German Students get a Taste of Germany in Manchester
Our GCSE German students were able to get a taste of German Christmas Markets when they visited the Christmas Markets in Manchester in December.

Drama Students Experience Hamilton at the Palace
Year 9 and Year 10 Drama students visited The Palace Theatre in December to see Hamilton live.
CHS Christmas Market Raises over £1500
Our Christmas Market on Friday 1st December raised a total of £1513.76, so thank you to everyone who came along to support the event.
Year 8 Language Ambassadors Visit Black Firs
Our Year 8 Language Ambassadors delivered an introduction to five languages for pupils at Black Firs in November

A Christmas Carol for Year 10 and Year 11
In November we welcomed actors from Quantum Theatre who performed "A Christmas Carol," for Year 10 and Year 11.

Paris Inspires CHS Artists
Our GCSE and A Level Artists were inspired by their trip to Paris in November
"I'll Remember this Forever!"
Thirty of our Performing Arts students visited the Empire Theatre to take part in workshops before experiencing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory live on stage.

Year 7 and Year 8 Scientists Explore the Past, Present and Future
Our Year 7 and Year 8 Scientists visited Jodrell Bank to gather information for their Space and Light and Sound topics.

GCSE Students Enjoy "The Most Phenomenal Production"!
Our GCSE Drama students enjoyed a trip to watch “the most phenomenal production” of Ocean at the End of the Lane at The Lowry.
Year 8 Enjoy Engineering with Lego
A group of Year 8 students enjoyed a LEGO event in September, making a robot and using computer code to make it move and hop.

Year 12 Biologists Succeed in Olympiad
Congratulations to all our Year 12 students who took part in the UKBC Intermediate Biology Olympiad in June.

Award Winning Author Visit
On Monday June 26th, award Winning Football Author, Matt Oldfield, will visit CHS to inspire our Year 7 and 8 students.

Year 11's Growing Life Skills
As part of their ASDAN qualification, a group of our Year 11 students completed ten hours of work experience in May at The Storehouse Foodbank at New Life Church.
Over £1,200 Raised for BBC Children in Need
Our students raised over £1,200 for BBC Children in Need this year with a range of fundraising activities that included our famous Teacher Gunging!
Othello Theatre Trip Amazes and Inspires
A trip to the Lowry to watch Othello in November left Drama students amazed and inspired
Sixth Form Mathematicians Experience Maths in Action
A visit to Maths in Action helped our Sixth Form Mathematicians see how Maths can be used in many different ways, from fighting disease to video games and magic!

Young Chefs Serve Up Success at CHS
Eight of our students took part in the first round of the Rotary Young Chef Competition in November, producing an array of wonderful dishes.

CHS Supporting Children in Need 2022
We'll be supporting BBC Children in Need again this year with a range of fundraising activities

Shining a Light on A Level Physics Study
Our A Level Physics students visited the UK's national synchrotron science facility, responsible for researching everything from fossils to jet engines and viruses to vaccines.

Pot of Gold to Grow until December
Our Pot of Gold fundraiser will now run until the end of term and the proceeds split between the winner and The Georgia Leigh Ogden Foundation.

A Hair Raising Experience for Year 7
Our Year 7 Scientists have been learning about Static Electricity in their Science lessons this term.

Year 8 Support Science Learning with a Visit to Jodrell Bank
In October, our Year 8 students were all given the opportunity to visit the site of the second largest mobile telescope in Europe - Jodrell Bank Observatory.