Celebrating Hard Work and Achievement at our 2024 GCSE Awards Evening
Our 2024 GCSE Awards Evening in November was a wonderful way to celebrate our 2023-24 Year 11 cohort.

Year 11 GCSE Students Enjoy a "Breathtaking" Performance of War Horse
Year 11 GCSE Drama students visited the Lowry Theatre to watch War Horse in September.

Information Evening for Year 11, 12 and 13 Parents and Carers
We're looking forward to meeting with Year 11, 12 and 13 parents and carers at their Information Evening on Tuesday 17th September.

More Exam Celebrations at CHS
We welcomed our 2023-24 Year 11 class in to school in August to collect and celebrate another great set of GCSE and vocational results at CHS.
Biscuits, Books and Better Grades!
Our English team are running their Year 10 'Biscuits and Books' after school sessions again every Wednesday from 12th June.

Year 10 Scientists Learn About Irradiation
Our Year 10 Scientists have been learning all about irradiation including the safety wear required!

Year 10 English Students Take Over the Lesson
Jozsef and Lennon helped classmates improve their creative prose writing recently.
After School English Revision Sessions for Year 11 Students
Our English faculty are running after school English Literature revision sessions to support Year 11 students with all the set GCSE texts.

A Fantastic Opportunity for our Year 10 Scientists
Thirty of our Year 10 Scientists learned more about the wonderful world of Science at GCSE Science Live in January

Helping Year 9 Make Important Options Choices
Year 9 students and their parents/carers have been invited to join us for our Options Evening from 5:30-7:30pm on Thursday 11th January to find out more about selecting GCSE/BTEC Options for study in Years 10 and 11.

GCSE German Students get a Taste of Germany in Manchester
Our GCSE German students were able to get a taste of German Christmas Markets when they visited the Christmas Markets in Manchester in December.

Year 10 Biologists Increase Knowledge and Understanding
Reinflating a sheep lung gave Year 10 Biologists a greater understanding of the respiratory system.

Year 10 Students get Creative with their English Homework
Mrs Smith challenged her Year 10 GCSE English Language students to think on the spot and she wasn't disappointed by the result!
Celebrating GCSE Effort and Achievement
We were very proud to host an evening celebrating the effort and achievement of our Year 11 class of 2022-23

DNA Discoveries for our Year 11 Scientists
In November Mrs Fitzsimmons’ Year 11 Scientists studied the structure of DNA.

A Christmas Carol for Year 10 and Year 11
In November we welcomed actors from Quantum Theatre who performed "A Christmas Carol," for Year 10 and Year 11.
Calling the Year 11 Class of 2022-23
Our GCSE Awards Evening will be held at CHS on Wednesday 29th November from 6-7:30pm.
Scholarly Excellence from GCSE English Students
Mrs McKenzie has shared some of the work submitted by her GCSE English Literature students, which demonstrates our "Scholarly Excellence" school vision.

GCSE Students Enjoy "The Most Phenomenal Production"!
Our GCSE Drama students enjoyed a trip to watch “the most phenomenal production” of Ocean at the End of the Lane at The Lowry.
Year 8 Learn the Benefits of Languages
In June, our Year 8 students enjoyed a talk by a team from The University of Liverpool about the life and career benefits of learning languages.

CHS Students Celebrate Achieving Success Together
There was a wonderful buzz in the main hall at Congleton High School as students arrived to collect their Year 11 results. Students, parents, carers and staff were delighted to learn that the vast majority of the year group had exceeded their targets and secured the grades they needed to progress on to their chosen courses.