Work Placements Give Year 12 a Head Start
Year 12 students have been able to experience work in their chosen careers or discover some of the many work options available to them.

A Valuable Careers Opportunity for All Students
It's our Careers Fair on Thursday 21st March and all students will be able to spend time in the school day speaking with some of the 40+ employers taking part.

National Careers Week at CHS
It's National Careers Week from 4th to 9th March and we'll be supporting all our students with their ongoing careers explorations.

Year 11's Growing Life Skills
As part of their ASDAN qualification, a group of our Year 11 students completed ten hours of work experience in May at The Storehouse Foodbank at New Life Church.

Helping Sixth Form Students Plan for the Future
Four of our Year 13 students visited Alderley Park in March for a Mock Assessment and Employment Readiness Programme attended by a number of local and national employers.

Chamber Event Provides Food for Thought

Annual AO Apprenticeship Opportunity

Skills for a Positive Future

Assessing the Future at Franklyn Financial Management

Helping Students Thrive

Former Students Inform and Inspire

Engineering a Successful Future

Reliance Medical - December 2018

Another Thursday Thirty Meeting

Manchester Masterclass

Considering Next Steps

Virtual Reality Visitors

Post 16 Studies Boosted with Hospital Visit

Investigating a Career in Social Work

Students Calculate Financial Career Routes

Apprenticeship Show helps Students Map their Future

NHS Highlights Volunteering Benefits for Post 16

Information Helps Informed Choices

Preparation Helps Students Succeed

Learning from Professionals

Students Learn More of Apprenticeship Opportunities

Chamber of Commerce Opportunity