Our Wonderful Performing Arts Christmas Showcase
Over 120 students took part in our fantastic Performing Arts Christmas Showcase.
Belle to Represent CHS in National Championships
Year 9 Belle L will represent CHS at the National Schools Equestrian Association National Championships in October
Ms Thurland Shares her First Headteacher's Blog of the New School Year
Ms Thurland has shared her September 2024 Headteacher's Blog of the new school year, looking ahead to some of the many activities planned for the term.

Our July Newsletter is Out Now
Our July Newsletter is out now and packed full of celebrations of CHS.

Celebrating CHS at our New Scholars' Awards Evening
We held our first ever Scholars' Awards Evening in July to recognise the students and staff who perfectly represent our school community and school values.

CHS Race for Life Raises £436
Our student and staff Race for Life raised £436 for Cancer Research UK.

Celebrating all the Great Sports People and Teams at CHS
We celebrated all our amazing sports people and teams at our annual Sports Awards Evening in July.

High School Musical was a Community Triumph!
Our Head of Performing Arts, Mrs Mackreth, shares her review of the four wonderful performances of High School Musical in July.

High School Musical Raffle Raises £260 for Gee's Foundation
Our High School Musical Raffle raised over £260 for The Georgia Leigh Ogden Foundation
Sports Day Raises Almost £300 for Gee's Foundation
Two Sixth Form Charity Ambassador teams raised almost £300 for The Georgia Leigh Ogden Foundation at Sports Day
Election Fever Comes to CHS!
Students will take part in our own Mock Election on Wednesday 3rd July and compare the results to the real thing!

Performing Arts Students Busy with High School Musical Rehearsals
Our Performing Arts students and staff are even busier now, with HSM rehearsals really ramping up.

Our Spring in a Frame Photography Winners
Year 7 Freddie L and Year 9 Jess D were the winners of our Spring in a Frame photography competition.
Our House Launch Week Buskers Lunches
Our House Launch Week Buskers Lunch talent shows proved just how much talent we have on our wonderful school community.

Celebrating our High Flying Key Stage 3 Artists
Our KS3 Art Exhibition was the perfect opportunity to share the high flying talent of CHS artists with our community.

Practice Makes Prefect!
We held our first upper and lower school Prefect Workshop at the end of January, which was a really enjoyable and positive event.