Biodiversity and Conservation Visit for Year 12 Biologists
Our Year 12 Biologists visited Chester Zoo in February to support their understanding of Biodiversity and Conservation

Year 7 Study the Power of Fruit!
Year 7PD investigated 'fruity' batteries in their Science lessons with Mrs Jackson Moss.

Biodiversity Club Launches with a Great Discovery
Our Biodiversity Club met for the first time in October and launched with an activity to find signs of nature in the school grounds.

Industry Opportunity for A Level Chemists
Nine of our A Level Chemists visited global chemical specialists, Innospec, in Ellesmere Port in September.
7AB Scientists Create Bespoke Animal Homes
7AB created model animal shelters as part of their Science topic.

Our Science Words of the Week.
Ask your child what they can tell you about the words: Hemisphere and Summer.

Science Words of the Week
Ask your child what they can recall about the words 'Phase' and 'Botany'.

Making Toothpaste for an Elephant!
Students enjoyed the Elephant Toothpaste experiment in Science Club.

7CMJ Spot the Spiders and Identify the Insects
7CMJ enjoyed classifying invertebrates in their Science lessons.

Biology Olympiad Success for Year 12 Biologists
Nine of our Year 12 Biologists took part in this year's Intermediate Biology Olympiad.
Our Winning Year 10 Scientists
22 of our Year 10 Scientists took part in the UKBC Biology Challenge, winning Gold, Bronze and COmmendations.

Year 7 Scholarly Excellence in Science
Ms Figiel's Year 7 Science Class devised some really creative ways to revise for their SAS Exam.

Our Science Words of the Week
Our Science Words of the Week this week are Wavelength and Ultrasonic.

Year 12 Chemists Complete Aspirin Practicals
Our Year 12 Chemists have completed the final step in synthesising Aspirin for their their assessed practical component.

Our Science Words of the Week
Our Science Words of the Week this week are Terminate and Density

Year 12 Biologists' Models Help Them to Remember
Our Year 12 Biologists have created models to help them remember the steps in the process of Photosynthesis.

Science Words of the Week
This week's Science Words of the Week are Metabolism and Substitute.

Our Science Words of the Week
Each week, our Science faculty introduce two Science words to students to help them recognise and understand key words.

Year 10 Scientists Learn About Irradiation
Our Year 10 Scientists have been learning all about irradiation including the safety wear required!

Year 12 Chemists Learn More About Aspirin
In their lessons, our Year 12 Chemists have been learning about Aspirin - it's history and how it is made.

7HV's Posters are Out of This World!
Mr Holmes challenged 7HV to work in pairs on posters about space.

Key Stage 3 Scientists Study Life in Miniature
Our Key Stage 3 Scientists compared animal and plant cells under the microscope in their after-school Science Club.

Year 8 Windy Racer Winners
Mrs Fitzsimmons set her Year 8 class a 'windy racer' STEM challenge in March.
March Issue of the CHS Science Bulletin Out Now!
Year 13 Scientist, Ben D, has published the March issue of his Science Bulletin, which is packed full of interesting Science facts and quirky information.

Spring in a Frame Competition is back!
Our 'Spring in a Frame' wildlife photography competition is back and there are lots of great prizes up for grabs!

Time for KS3 Students to Design a British Science Week Poster
As part of our British Science Week celebrations, we're challenging Key Stage 3 students to design a poster on this year's theme of TIME.
Ben Informs and Inspires Student Scientists
Year 13 Scientist, Ben D, has put together the first of a series of interesting and informative Science Bulletins.
Year 12 Biologists Change Congleton Weather
In order to measure plant transpiration, our Year 12 Biologists created some artificial weather conditions!

Year 12 Chemists Develop their Practical Skills
Dr Jones' Year 12 Chemists carried out one of their twelve required practicals in February.

Year 12 Biologists Capture Images of Plant Transport Systems
Our Year 12 Biologists captured some great images during their study of plant transport systems

A Fantastic Opportunity for our Year 10 Scientists
Thirty of our Year 10 Scientists learned more about the wonderful world of Science at GCSE Science Live in January

Scientists Inform and Inspire Year 9
In January we held our Year 9 Science Careers Event and welcomed professionals involved in many different aspects of the scientific world to talk about their job roles.

Year 7 Scientists Make a Great Start to 2024
Three of our Year 7 Scientists earned well-deserved Scholarly Excellence points for their great approach to revision.

Science Club Students Rocket in to the New Year
In their first session of the new year, our Science Club students had great fun building and testing Rocket Cars

Year 10 Biologists Increase Knowledge and Understanding
Reinflating a sheep lung gave Year 10 Biologists a greater understanding of the respiratory system.

Marble Run Challenge for Science Club Students
Our Science Club students created their own Marble Runs in the after-school sessions in November

Year 8 Scientists See the Light
Ms Figiel’s Year 8 Scientists have been working on their ‘Light’ topic this half-term.

Do You Know Your Bronchus from Your Bronchiole?
Mrs Fitzsimmons' Year 8 Scientists have been learning about the structure and function of lungs.

DNA Discoveries for our Year 11 Scientists
In November Mrs Fitzsimmons’ Year 11 Scientists studied the structure of DNA.

Important Information for All Year 11 Families
Ofqual is consulting with families and schools regarding the continuation of additional support for Year 11 students sitting Science and Maths GCSEs in 2024.

Bright Spark, Lexi, Demonstrates Scholarly Excellence
Lexi B's work on the Electricity topic in Science was a shining example of Scholarly Excellence.

Year 7 Experience the Screaming Jelly Baby Experiment.
Our Year 7 students experienced the infamous Screaming Jelly Baby experiment in their Science lessons in November
Year 7 Scientists demonstrate Excellence, Curiosity and Courage
Year 7 completed their first dissection in November to help with their understanding of the Human Body topic.

Plane Sailing for Key Stage 3 Scientists
Our Key Stage 3 Science Club students tested their own paper plane designs in November

Year 9 Scientists Metal Investigations
Our Year 9 Scientists have made a great start on their new Metals topic.

Year 7 Scientists Investigate Fruit Power!
Our Year 7 Scientists have been investigating how fruit can be used as a battery.
Year 13 Biologists Model Scholarly Excellence
Mrs Jackson-Moss' Year 13 Biologists have demonstrated Scholarly Excellence in their studies

Year 7 and Year 8 Scientists Explore the Past, Present and Future
Our Year 7 and Year 8 Scientists visited Jodrell Bank to gather information for their Space and Light and Sound topics.

A Minibeast Treat for Visitors to Science
We have a wonderful display in our Science faculty of Bugs created by Key Stage 3 Artists.

Year 7 Scientists Impress with Scholarly Excellence
Science teacher, Ms Figiel, has been impressed by her Year 7 students' independent revision preparation for their first test of the year.

Scholarly Excellence Displayed in Science Faculty
Jasmine and Abigail's work, demonstrating Scholarly Excellence will be on show in the Science faculty
Students Build Paper Towers in Science Club
Our Key Stage 3 Science Club students constructed towers only using paper and paper clips in one of their October sessions.

Achieving Scholarly excellence in Biology
Mrs Fitzsimmons’ Year 11 Biologists, Abi F, Amy H and Lottie, consistently work hard to achieve scholarly excellence

KS3 Science Club Students Building Bridges
Students learned about Aqueducts in Science Club then had a go at making their own version.

Cloudy with a Chance of Wet Feet
Our Year 12 students' river sampling trip turned out to be a very damp event indeed!

Year 12 Biologists Succeed in Olympiad
Congratulations to all our Year 12 students who took part in the UKBC Intermediate Biology Olympiad in June.
Year 10 Students win Silver and Bronze in Worldwide Competition
Congratulations to all our Year 10 students who took part in the UKBC Biology Challenge and to our eight award winning students.
CHS is Full of Life
In our Science Club, Key Stage 3 students were able to investigate the wide variety of insects and other creatures around the School site.

Conclusion of A Level Chemistry Practicals
Our Year 13 A Level Chemists carried out their final practical at the end of April and Dr Jones was once again really pleased with their work.

Joseph's Poster Takes Top Spot
Joseph P's fantastic 'Tracking the Links' poster won first prize in our Science team's British Science Week Connections Poster competition
Science Club Students Build a Battery
Our Science Club students took part in the Royal Society of Chemistry's Global Battery Experiment in March.

Investigating Ventilation
To help give them a greater understanding of the ventilation system in mammals, our Year 12 Biologists performed a lung dissection.
Design a Poster for British Science Week
We are challenging Key Stage 3 students to design a Connections themed poster for British Science Week 2023.

Screaming Sweeties
Year 7 Science students enjoyed watching Ms Figiel’s Screaming Jelly Baby experiment.

Something for Everyone in CHS National Careers Week Events
National Careers Week is 6th to 11th March and we have a series of events running each lunchtime enabling students in all years to access information and advice from employers and our own careers experts.

Practical Makes Perfect
Practical lessons help to give students a much better understanding of the topics they study.

Biologists find Sweet Inspiration
Ms Figiel's Year 11 Biologists have been studying the structure of DNA and used sweets to make models to help them understand and remember it.

Practical Work helps Students Remember
Ms Figiel's Year 10 Scientists used the information they learned in class to help them correctly identify different parts of the heart

A Testing Time for Students
Ms Figiel's Year 8 Scientists are testing food samples as part of their 'Alive and Kicking' topic.

Fizztastic Fun in Science Club
Students had great fun making and testing bath bombs in our KS3 Science Club.

Sixth Form Biologists Investigate Conservation, Education and Rain Forest Preservation
In February our Year 12 Biologists visited Chester Zoo to investigate the role that zoos play in the conservation of species, and learn more about the impact of oil palm plantations on deforestation.
Counting Crows (and Other Birds)
Year 7 students counted the birds they could see on our Box Lane site as part of the RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch in February

Braving the Weather for the Bugs
Our Eco Club students braved the January weather to collect materials for their Bug Hotels.

Eco Club will make School Spaces Greener and Cleaner Places
All students are invited to join our new Eco Club, which will run every Tuesday from 3-4pm.

Bring a Scientist to School Day
We welcomed a group of Scientists in to school in January to enlighted students as to the vast range of careers opened up by studying the Sciences.
Modelling our Airways
As part of the Alive and Kicking topic, students modelled the human ventilation system.
Young Scientists Save Dr Buchan's Supper!
Our Key Stage 3 Science Club students used their creativity and Science knowledge to keep Dr Buchan's eggs safe!

Shining a Light on A Level Physics Study
Our A Level Physics students visited the UK's national synchrotron science facility, responsible for researching everything from fossils to jet engines and viruses to vaccines.

Bright Spark, Frazer, Sets a Great Homework Example
Year 7 student, Frazer D, really went the extra mile with his Science homework.

A Hair Raising Experience for Year 7
Our Year 7 Scientists have been learning about Static Electricity in their Science lessons this term.

Year 8 Support Science Learning with a Visit to Jodrell Bank
In October, our Year 8 students were all given the opportunity to visit the site of the second largest mobile telescope in Europe - Jodrell Bank Observatory.

Recognising and Rewarding Local Talent
Our fantastic Spring in a Frame Wildlife Competition and Exhibition was a great opportunity to showcase the wonderful photographic talents of our local young people whilst raising much needed funds for Ukraine.

CHS Hosts Congleton Children's Wildlife Competition Exhibition
CHS will host the Spring in a Frame 2022 Photography Competition Exhibition on May 18, and visitors will be able to enjoy all the wonderful images submitted by CHS and Eaton Bank students and primary school pupils from Congleton and surrounding areas.
Microbes Ate Year 8's Lunch!
Well done to all of the Year 8 students who took part in our Science team's 'Microbes Made My Lunch' poster competition at the end of last term. You obviously really enjoyed getting your teeth in to this particular subject!

Scientists Inspire Year 9 Students
To round off British Science Week 2022 at CHS, we welcomed a group of speakers from the world of Science in to school in March to inform and inspire our Year 9 students about the many careers opened up by studying Science.