Year 7 Learn Fair Trade Principles
Year 7 students took part in a Fairtrade Trading game, which helped to give them an understanding of the poverty and human rights issues faced by many people around the world.
Bikeability Opportunity for Year 7
Our Year 7 students had the opportunity to take part in a Bikeability session in February.
CHS Rotary Young Photographer Competition Winners
Congratulation to our two students who won awards in the Congleton Rotary Young Photographer Competition.
Team CHS Netball Success
Our Netball teams won six of their seven matches against Holmes Chapel in October.

Year 7 Study the Power of Fruit!
Year 7PD investigated 'fruity' batteries in their Science lessons with Mrs Jackson Moss.
A Great Start to the Netball Season for Year 7, 8 and 9
October wins for our Year 7B, 8A and 9 Netball teams made a spectacular start to the season.
Cheshire Cup Success for our Footballers
Our U13 and U14 footballers celebrated some great wins in the first round of the Cheshire Cup in October.
Year 7 Settling in Event
If you weren't able to attend our Year 7 Settling In Event you can download a copy of the presentation from our website.
Year 7 and Year 8 Rugby Triumph at Macclesfield 10s
Our Year 7 and 8 Rugby team took on six Cheshire schools in the Macclesfield 10s Tournament winning five of their six matches!
Year 7 Enjoy a European Day of Languages
To celebrate European Day of Languages, our Year 7 students spent a morning discovering the language and culture of a number of European countries.
Year 7 Teambuilding Day Success
Our Year 7 students enjoyed a full day of Teambuilding activities in September.
The 2024 Year 7 Teambuilding Day
We're looking forward to holding our annual Year 7 Teambuilding Day on Thursday 19th September.

Rose Sees her Story in Print
Year 7 Rose F entered a short story competition and has been chosen to have her writing published in a book!

A Warm Welcome to our New Year 7 Students
It was wonderful to welcome our new Year 7 students to our school community and they all look very smart in their new uniforms!

Return to School Information
We're excited to be welcoming students back to school this week and look forward to sharing another busy and successful academic year with our school community.

Flu Vaccine Information
The Immunisation Team will contact parents and carers throughout the autumn term with information on how to book a flu vaccine for your child.

New Year 7 Students Enjoy a Summer School Opportunity
Our fantastic new Year 7 students joined us in August for our 'Summer School' Activity Day.

Message for New Year 7 Parents and Carers
If your child has a place on our Summer Activity Day, please ensure that you have completed the form BEFORE they attend.
7AB Scientists Create Bespoke Animal Homes
7AB created model animal shelters as part of their Science topic.
More Great Success for Cheska and Hector
Year 7 Cheska has enjoyed great success with her pony, Hector, and they've now qualified for Equifest in August.

Year 7's Recipe for Success
Students in 7b5 created their own Congleton High School Recipe for Success in their English lessons.

7CMJ Spot the Spiders and Identify the Insects
7CMJ enjoyed classifying invertebrates in their Science lessons.
Ellie-Ann Earns her Black Belt
Year 7 Ellie-Ann H worked her way up to Black Belt status over five years.

Year 7 Artists Gain Inspiration from Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Our Year 7 Artists visited the Yorkshire Sculpture Park in June.

Bienvenue - MFL French Club for Key Stage 3
Our MFL French Club has now started and all Key Stage 3 students are welcome

Year 7 Scholarly Excellence in Science
Ms Figiel's Year 7 Science Class devised some really creative ways to revise for their SAS Exam.
Election Fever Comes to CHS!
Students will take part in our own Mock Election on Wednesday 3rd July and compare the results to the real thing!
Year 7 Lacie Signs for Wales
Year 7 Lacie F has signed a one-year contract to play for Wales.

Year 7 Charlie and Theo Celebrate their League Cup Win
Charlie H and Theo P, celebrated winning the league cup trophy in May with their Macclesfield FC Junior Academy team.
Rain Didn't Stop Play at the Cheshire Football Festival
We enjoyed a great day out at the Year 7/8 Cheshire FA Football Festival in May

Ms. Thurland Meets our New Year 7 Students
Ms. Thurland has been visiting our partner primary schools to meet with our new Year 7 students.

Celebrating our Wonderful 2023-24 Year 7 Leadership Team
The Year 7 Leadership Team held their last meeting of the year in May, celebrating all their fantastic achievements throughout the year.

7HV's Posters are Out of This World!
Mr Holmes challenged 7HV to work in pairs on posters about space.

Key Stage 3 Scientists Study Life in Miniature
Our Key Stage 3 Scientists compared animal and plant cells under the microscope in their after-school Science Club.

Celebrating South Cheshire Football Wins
We celebrated South Cheshire Cup Football wins for Year 9 and 10 boys and Year 7 girls in March.
A Great End to the Season for our Netball Teams
In March we ended the Netball season with South Cheshire Netball Tournament matches at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School.

Year 7 Raise over £100 for Cancer Research
Our Year 7 Student Leaders' sweets and cake sale was a great success, raising £120.50 for Cancer research UK in March.

Celebrating our High Flying Key Stage 3 Artists
Our KS3 Art Exhibition was the perfect opportunity to share the high flying talent of CHS artists with our community.
Year 7 Girls are County Athletics Winners
Our Year 7 Girls Sports Hall Athletics team won their county event in March.
A World Book Day Murder Mystery Challenge for Year 7
Our Year 7 students used their best detective skills to solve our World Book Day Murder Mystery Challenge in their LRC lesson.

Time for KS3 Students to Design a British Science Week Poster
As part of our British Science Week celebrations, we're challenging Key Stage 3 students to design a poster on this year's theme of TIME.

Key Stage 3 Hot Air Balloon Art Exhibition
We will be exhibiting a display of KS3 students' artwork in the Main Hall on Thursday 14th March
Year 7 Students Challenged to a Readathon for our First House Competition.
To coincide with World Book Day UK our first House competition was a Readathon for Year 7 students.

Encouraging a Love of Reading
Valentine's Day gave us the perfect opportunity to celebrate our love of books in the LRC.

Our MFL Club Presents: Una Viagem a Portugal
Our MFL Club Year 7 students enjoyed una viagem a Portugal (a trip to Portugal) in February.

Valentine Disco Raises another £547 for Gee's Foundation
Sales of tickets, refreshments and roses at our Year 7 and 8 Valentine Disco raised £547 for our ongoing fundraising for The Georgia Leigh Ogden Foundation.

St Valentine's Day Fundraising at CHS
Students can treat themselves and others this St Valentine's Day at CHS.

Year 7 Go Silent!
Our Performing Arts team challenged their Year 7 classes to create their own 'Silent Movie' this term.

Year 7 Students Guess the Employers
Year 7 students took part in our Guess the Employer Careers event in January.

Year 7 Scientists Make a Great Start to 2024
Three of our Year 7 Scientists earned well-deserved Scholarly Excellence points for their great approach to revision.

Year 7 Work Together in Team Building Day
Our Year 7 students really enjoyed their Team Building Day, which created strong foundations for a very successful and united cohort.