In her role as Work Placement Coordinator, Mrs Sadat-Shafai is constantly sourcing and investigating new opportunities for our students to get involved in a variety of work environments and one example of this was her visit to the NHS' recent Cheshire Career and Engagement Hub Conference at Hartford, Northwich.
The NHS is currently the fifth largest employer in the world and offers a wide range of different job roles. The Cheshire Career and Engagement Hub is a new service designed to help young people, partner organisations and anyone considering a career in health and social care. Funded by Health Education England (North West) and hosted by East Cheshire NHS Trust, the Hub works with partner organisations and trusts across Cheshire to provide a unique opportunity for local schools, colleges, education and training providers as well as health and care employers with support to find out more about the learning, experience and employment opportunities offered within the NHS.
At the conference, apprenticeships and work experience was discussed in great detail, as the NHS predicts a skills gap amongst its workforce as a result of fewer younger people entering the profession to replace those staff due for retirement in the coming years.
The opportunity for students, especially health and social care students, to visit Macclesfield District General Hospital was raised along with the chance for NHS representatives to visit the Congleton students to promote good practice. Students will also be able to apply for Summer Internships with the organisation, which will further enable them to gain valuable workplace experience.
More information on the Cheshire Career Hub can be found here.