As part of her work to build and maintain strong business links for the benefit of all students, our Work Placement Coordinator, Mrs Sadat-Shafai, took part in a Teachers and Advisers Conference at Staffordshire University at the beginning of the year.
The main focus of the day was Employability and with Staffordshire University being Number One for Employability (with 97.5% of all graduates in employment), they are well placed to advise and guide others towards successful outcomes for students.
Throughout the day, Mrs Sadat-Shafai learned of the many opportunities for CHS students available at the University, including group visits, workshops in chosen subject areas, the University Tour Bus (which visits schools to enable younger students to get a taste of university life), Apprenticeships and CV help and support.
Mrs Sadat-Shafai also learned of a new course at Staffordshire called ‘Esports’, which combines game cultures and event management and is a starting point for a range of careers including Journalism, Marketing, Events Management and Product Management. Students with Level 3 or lower in Maths and English can still apply for the Foundation Year to begin with, where they will continue to study the two subjects to improve their grade.
The event proved to be a very valuable and informative day and Mrs Sadat-Shafai will continue to work with Staffordshire University to ensure our students are able to take advantage of the many opportunities they offer.
Any student interested in finding out more about the opportunities at Staffordshire University may speak with Mrs Sadat-Shafai in the Post 16 Centre. Any businesses or organisations who would like to discuss education, training or employment opportunities can contact Work Placement Coordinator, Mrs Sadat-Shafai, on 01260 730123 or by email on jsadatshafai@congletonhigh.com.