CHS Foodbank Friday is back and helping The Storehouse Foodbank at New Life Church to stock up for Christmas.
We've suggested a list of items that could be donated but we'd really welcome any non-perishable goods that you are able to spare.
- 18th Nov: Long life milk, biscuits, tea bags, coffee.
- 25th Nov: Tinned items (soup, fruit, veg etc.)
- 2nd Dec: Christmas treats (mince pies, chocolates etc.)
- 9th Dec: Jam, rice pudding, custard.
Please send the items in to school with your child and our Sixth Form students will collect them in Form Time and deliver to the foodbank. Alternatively, if you have a large donation, you could drop it in to main reception during school hours.
If you would like information on The Storehouse, click here.
We thank you for your support.