The Congleton College team held a very successful STEM Business Breakfast Briefing last month, with around thirty representatives from many of its local business partners.
The team, including Congleton multi-academy trust (Cmat) CEO, David Hermitt and Wendy March, Head of Post 16 at Congleton High School (CHS), were able to share with the delegates their plans for a new Studio School and the status of the associated funding bid. The Congleton College was was also delighted that local business owner, CHS governor and Cmat Board Director, Mr Andy Pear, strengthened their presentation team and was able to address the idea of a Studio School from a business perspective.
Jill Sadat-Shafai, Work Experience Coordinator for the College, talked about the positive impact of their successful work experience programme on students' progress and development. As living proof of the many benefits for student and employer alike, the group also heard from ex-student, Dan Mongillo, who undertook work experience with motoring legal experts, ALPS and is now Marketing Manager for the company.
Following the briefing, a number of the party looked around CHS’ Design and Technology Department and were highly impressed and excited by what they saw and heard about the work that students do there and the opportunities they have.
It was an extremely successful and positive event and The Congleton College team would like to thank all those who came along and shared their experience and knowledge to help benefit both current and future students.
Anyone keen to become involved with The Congleton College, interested in finding out more about the work students undertake or able to offer work experience placements should contact Mrs Wendy March by email: wmarch@congletonhigh.com or Tel: 01260 730123.