In the Autumn term, our Year 12 and Year 13 A Level Physics group visited Diamond Light Source, the national synchrotron light source science facility in Oxfordshire, which produces intense beams of light that can be used in many areas of scientific research - from fossils to jet engines and viruses to vaccines.

Electrons are accelerated in a circle to velocities just under the speed of light. When this happens, the electrons emit light which can be used as a very sensitive microscope. This means small structures, such as viruses, bones, cells to name a few can all be studied at the atomic level.The students saw the magnets responsible for acceleration and shielding and chatted to scientists who showed them some results.

It was a fantastic trip that, amongst other things, enabled the group to enhance their knowledge of magnets, waves and circular motion and hear quantum terms such as photon and GeV used in practical applications.

Thank you to the team at Diamond for this great experience.