A huge thank you to everyone who supported our Performing Arts team's productions of Annie in July. We had so many student volunteers for roles that we had to run with two casts and four performances over two days, with both casts performing one show each day. The two casts were exceptional over the two days and we received so many wonderful messages from those lucky enough to watch a performance.

"It was absolutely fantastic!.. so proud of you all. Well done to everyone involved."

"The show was amazing. So professionally staged for a school musical show. The cast and teachers should be so proud of your endeavours."

"It was brilliant and both casts were amazing. Thank you and well done."

Well done to our students for all their hard work and a big well done and thank you to our incredible and tireless Performing Arts team for putting such an entertaining and professional show!

Our raffle and refreshments sale at both events raised a superb £484.70 for The Georgia Leigh Ogden Foundation! Thank you to Mrs Eckersley for all her hard work with this
