What a fantastic celebration of Performing Arts talent we enjoyed at the end of the autumn term with our annual Christmas Showcase!
Guests were treated to an evening of wonderful musical performances, singing, dancing, comedy and drama. Over 100 students, from Year 7 to Year 13 took part front of house, on stage and behind the scenes, and every single one excelled in their role.
A hamper, donated by Cheshire Town and Country Sweeps and Marks and Spencer, was raffled and sweets and refreshments sold, raising a tremendous £200 for The Georgia Leigh Ogden Foundation. We were very pleased that Georgia’s friends, Molly and Sophie, were able to join our Year 13 students, Abi S and Ellie C, to help sell tickets.
Thank you to everyone involved in the evening - all the students and staff and, of course, to our wonderful audience!