Fern Rounds off Summer Holidays with British Title
Year 9, Fern L, rounded off the summer holidays by achieving the title of British Ladies Colt Champion at the Clay Pigeon Association British Open Sporting Championship!

CHS Students Celebrate Achieving Success Together
There was a wonderful buzz in the main hall at Congleton High School as students arrived to collect their Year 11 results. Students, parents, carers and staff were delighted to learn that the vast majority of the year group had exceeded their targets and secured the grades they needed to progress on to their chosen courses.

Congleton High’s Exceptional Year Results in First Choice University, Apprenticeship and Employment Places for Sixth Form Students
Students and staff at Congleton High School are celebrating an exceptional year for A* and A grade A Level results, which has enabled the majority of the year group to progress on to their first choice university, apprenticeship and employment opportunities. The school is extremely proud of the great resilience the cohort have demonstrated and the fantastic results they have achieved through their hard work and determination.
Latest CHS Newsletter Out Now
The June-July CHS Newsletter is out now, and packed full of stories about our vibrant school community.

Hot Weather Changes to Normal School Procedure
We’ll be making temporary changes to our normal school procedure to ensure that students and staff are kept safe and well during the forecast high temperatures.
Taking our Body Positivity Message to the House of Lords
Mrs Bates, Hannah B and NIna W represented our Body Positivity Group at a 'Recognising Body Image' reception at the House of Lords on Tuesday 12th July.
Working Towards the Future
It's our annual Work Placement Week for the majority of our Year 12 students this week and these Sixth Form students will be spending time working with a range of employers, picking up valuable skills and experience.
CHS Race for Life Raises £440
Well done to all the runners who took place in the CHS Race for Life in July, which raised £440 for Cancer Research UK.

Beth's Kind and Thoughtful Act
Kind and thoughtful Year 8 student, Elizabeth (Beth) G, chose to have her knee-length hair cut for charity and raised £800 for The Little Princess Trust

Recognising Remarkable Students
Our Seat on the Plane special recognition trip for a group of our remarkable students finally took place at the beginning of July.
Mr Ainsley's Summer Fair Hair Promise
Mr Ainsley has promised to shave his head if Year 10 can raise £1,200 at their Summer Fair on Wednesday 6th July

Official Launch for Annabel's Bee Garden
We are delighted to announce that the Just Bee Garden, inspired by Year 8 Annabel J's original design, will be officially opened in Congleton Park at 10:15am on Friday 15th July.