To complement the Year 7 Space topic and the Year 8 Light and Sound topic, our Science students visited Jodrell Bank before the half-term break.
Along with enjoying the interactive open exhibitions, the group were able to gather useful information from two shows.
The first took place in the new dome, where students watched a film on the origins of the universe and how life evolved from the first elements forming compounds.
This was followed by another film on how the Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank was built. The film addressed the tribulations of running massively over budget and then how the Telescope was used to aid the space race in the 1950s and 60s.
The second show was a set of demonstrations based around forces and black holes.
The day was very informative and the students came away with lots of information that will help to give them a greater knowledge and deeper understanding of their Year 7 and Year 8 topics.
Thank you to Alice S, Jack W, Sophie C, Ethan D, Ellie D, Srishti S and Callum B for sharing all their great photos of the day.